Tag Archives: tea brewer

Brewing technique is far from being skin-deep-Rong-tsang Tsai

学会削皮才能吃到肉Brewing technique is far from being skin-deep

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

 2001.06《茶艺》月刊社论The Editorial of “Tea Culture Monthly”

Tea gurus learn to brew tea in much the same way as musicians play piano or painters paint – they learn to master the very medium by which the Way of Tea, Music or Paintings is to be expressed. There is no way to get to the heart of these artistic pursuits if the people involved fail to acquire the basics. Furthermore, the artistic frame of mind is attached to the end results of the very act of tea brewing, piano playing or picture painting. A crude work of art will only create an artistic frame of mind that is equally unrefined.

 The Tea Brewers Assessment Examination 1, initiated in Taiwan, has since covered both sides of the Straits. For three decades as of May 2005, the examination has seen 345 tea brewers awarded with the qualification. Over time, these tea brewers, who began with the simple aim of being certified as a professional, have forged ahead to explore the vast world of tea culture. As seen in the recent monthly gatherings, they chant tea poems, study flower arrangement for tea presentation setting 2, delve into the aesthetics of tea advocated by Lu Yu, try and trace the origin of ‘Zen in Tea, Tea in Zen’3…. These are certainly not in the syllabus of the Tea Brewers Assessment Examination; neither are these follow-up tasks required. Such initiatives can only come from the tea brewers themselves – with the ability to brew a good pot, they have cultivated a habit of brewing and enjoying tea, and participating in activities related to the tea culture. This has further developed into a special feeling they have towards the beverage, which propels them to pursue tea on different fronts and at different levels; in most cases, they are rewarded with enlightened ideas. Without such innate bonding between the person and tea, any research assignment on tea culture given by the instructors at school will be mundane as in mere categorization of information; or detached as there is a lack of heartfelt enthusiasm.

Some people have criticized that the Tea Brewers Assessment Examination goes round and around at the level of tea brewing technique, which they describe as superficial. What they have failed to realize is that if one can’t play the piano (or for that matter, any kind of musical instrument) well, what is there to shape the musical frame of mind? If one can’t even paint well and master their lines and colours, what is there to express the artistic frame of mind? Some have gone to the extent of saying ‘the only thing matter is in the thinking and frame of mind when it comes to the Way of Tea’; or, ‘there is nothing else but that which showcase the charisma of a musician and a painter’. If this is the case, it is nothing short of crude and ludicrous.

To us, brewing a good pot4 is a physical training for tea gurus, not unlike the daily running athletes have to go through. Should this be considered skin-deep, my advice is, go get an orange – no one can get to the juicy pulp before peeling the skin!


以下为文內之编码Coding in the text:

1.Tea Brewers Assessment Examination泡茶师检定考试

2.flower arrangement for tea presentation setting茶席的插花

3.‘Zen in Tea, Tea in Zen’「茶禅一味」

4.brewing a good pot泡好茶


The aesthetics, character and the state of mind created are not to be undermined in the understanding and enjoyment of tea; and yet, they are the hardest to express.  Writings on the thoughts pertaining to tea, regardless of languages used, remain scarce.   We have attempted to express them in Chinese, with accompanying English translation(Translator:Katherine Yip.2010.01), to elaborate our thoughts as they are. What we want is to share the knowledge of tea alongside tea drinking.  This is, in our opinion, an important contemporary task in promoting the tea culture (Coding in the text is for cross-referencing of the academic terms of tea).


第五章-十大泡茶法 Chapter Five-The Ten Tea Methods-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5

第五章-十大泡茶法 Chapter Five-The Ten Tea Methods

5.1.十大茶法The Ten Tea Methods:

5.2.小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Methodology

5.3.盖碗茶法Cover Bowl Tea Method

5.4.抹茶法Whisking Tea Method

5.5.浓缩茶法Concentrated Tea Method

5.6.大桶茶法Large Capacity Tea Method

5.7.含叶茶法Nonstrained Tea Method

5.8.旅行茶法Travel Tea Method

5.9.冷泡茶法Cold Tea Method

5.10.泡沬茶法Foam Tea Method

5.11.煮茶法Boiling Tea Method


日常应用的泡茶法不外上列十项,称为”十大茶法” The Ten Tea Methods”


5.12.陆羽小壶茶法24则Lu-Yu Small Pot Tea Laws: (24 Rules)

5.13.备具Prepare tea ware

5.14.从静态到动态from still to ready position

5.15.备水prepare water

5.16.温壶warm pot

5.17.备茶prepare tea

5.18.识茶recognize tea

5.19.赏茶appreciate tea

5.20.温盅warm pitcher

5.21.置茶put in tea

5.22.闻香smell fragrance

5.23.冲第一道茶first infusion


5.25.烫杯warm cups

5.26.倒茶pour tea

5.27.备杯prepare cups

5.28.分茶divide tea

5.29.端杯奉茶serve tea by cups

5.30.冲第二道茶second infusion

5.31.持盅奉茶serve tea by pitcher

5.32.茶食供应或品泉supply snacks or water

5.33.去渣take out brewed leaves

5.34.赏叶底appreciate leaves

5.35.涮壶rinse pot

5.36.归位return to seat

5.37.清盅rinse pitcher

5.38.收杯collect cups


由陆羽茶艺中心研发的小壶茶法称为”陆羽小壶茶法” ,其操作过程就如上述所列的”陆羽小壶茶法24则” Lu-Yu Small Pot Tea Laws”。


5.39.倒茶入荷pour tea into holder

5.40.拨茶入荷guide tea into holder


备茶时,紧实的茶使用”倒茶入荷pour tea into holder”的方式,蓬松的茶使用”拨茶入荷guide tea into holder”的方式。


5.41.从有法到无法from methodical to free form


泡茶是有”法”可以依循的,但慢慢地要”从有法到无法from methodical to free form”。


5.42.品泉savor water

5.43.品茶savor tea


5.44.空白之美beauty of white space


数道茶之间,我们常给客人一杯白开水,称为”品泉appreciate water” ,是茶道”空白之美beauty of white space”的应用。


5.45.司茶tea brewer

5.46.助手brewer assistant


在茶席上主持泡茶的人称为”司茶tea brewer” 。正式的茶会或人多的场合,可以搭配一位”助手brewer assistant”。


5.47.递壶法pot passing manner


将壶递给对方时,应将壶把置于对方的右手边,这是”递壶法pot passing manner”所要谈论的。




有些人泡茶时第一次冲水后很快就倒掉,称为”温润泡pre-brew” ,接着再冲水,才是第一道茶。温润泡是可以省略的,免得损失茶的成分。


5.49.平均分茶法equal liquid division


直接从泡茶的壶将茶汤分倒到数个杯子时,要使用”平均分茶法equal division”才能将茶汤的浓度分倒平均。


5.50.奉茶serve tea

5.51.请喝茶please have some tea


若是端杯”奉茶serve tea” ,要先说:”请喝茶please have some tea”。若是持盅奉茶,则先斟过茶再说:”请喝茶”。


5.52.冷泡法cold brewing


泡茶也可以使用冷水、称为「冷泡法」 cold brewing “。


5.53.功夫茶Gongfu Tea


功夫茶Gongfu Tea是流行于中国南方的一种小壺茶法。


5.54.持壶法teapot grip styles

5.55.单手提把点纽one hand pinch handle and touch knob grip

5.56.双手提把点纽two hand pinch handle and touch knob grip

5.57.双手穿把点纽two hand grasp handle and touch knob grip

5.58.飞天壶持壶法wing handle grip


“持壶法teapot grip styles”分为”单手提把点纽one hand pinch handle and touch knob grip”、”双手提把点纽two hand pinch handle and touch knob grip”、”双手穿把点纽two hand grasp handle and touch knob grip”与”飞天壶持壶法wing handle grip”多种。


5.59.提壶pot moving

5.60.持壶pot grips


“提壶pot moving manner”是在操作台上,将壶从甲地如茶船上”移到乙地如茶巾上”的手法;”持壶pot gripping manner”则是拿起壶来倒茶或倒水的手法。


5.61.泡沫茶foam tea (bubble tea)

5.62.泡沫红茶 foam black tea


“泡沫茶 foam tea “是调制后起泡沫的茶,”抹茶 fine powder tea”

是调制茶粉使成汤状的茶。”泡沫红茶 foam black tea “是属前者。




浓缩茶法concentrated brew method”、”大桶茶法large capacity brew method”与”含叶茶法non-strained brew method”都是有效控制茶汤浓度的泡茶法。


5.64.单次浸泡single brewing

5.65.多次浸泡multiple brewing


泡茶时之”浸泡时间”可有”单次浸泡 single brew “与”多次浸泡 multiple brew “之分。


0.00.小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Method

5.66.叶型茶leaf tea

5.67.粉末茶powder tea


“小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Methodology”是以小型壶具冲泡”叶型茶leaf tea”【非”末茶powder tea”】的方法与品饮方式。


5.68.点茶 whisking tea

5.69.泡茶 brewing tea


茶法的演进是先流行”点茶 whisking tea ” ,然后才流行”泡茶 brewing tea “。


5.70.摇荡式shaking style

5.71.搅动式whisking style

5.72.互冲式pulling style


“摇荡式 shaking style “、”搅动式 whisking style “与”互冲式 pulling style “是泡沫茶的三种造沫方法。


5.73.水可溶物充分溶解 water TDS dissolved completely


含叶茶法是控制在”水可溶物充分溶解 water TDS dissolved completely “后,茶汤恰是可口的浓度。


5.74.泡茶师tea master

5.75.泡茶师检定考试Tea Master Certification Exam


泡茶师 tea master  “制度在强调泡茶能力的重要性,陆羽茶艺中心等单位每年都定期举办”泡茶师检定考试 Tea Master Certification Exam”。

*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones (4399)