Category Archives: N-3-2《中英文茶学术语Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology》201002

N-3-2《中英文茶学术语Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology》201002

第十二章 茶学综论-Chapter TwelveTea Studies Synthesis-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

中英文”茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai   编著 Editor

(2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5)

第十二章 茶学综论-Chapter TwelveTea  Studies Synthesis

一.茶道内涵图解Tea Lore Connotation Diagram

12.1.茶道内涵Tea Lore Connotation

12.2.第1圈:茶道载体 1st Circle:Tea Lore Medium


00.0.茶汤Tea Liquid

00.0.泡茶Tea Brewing

00.0.茶器Tea Utensils

12.4.奉茶Tea Serving

00.0.品饮Tea Savoring

12.5.茶食Tea Cuisine


12.7.第2圈:茶道平台 2nd Circle: Tea Lore Platform

12.8.茶法Brewing Methodology

12.9.茶会Tea Functions

12.10.第3圈:茶道内涵 3rd Circle :Tea Lore Connotation

12.11.美感Beauty Notion

12.12.艺术The Arts



12.15.第4圈:茶道特质 4th Circle :Tea Lore Characteristics

12.16.审美Beauty Appreciation


12.18.空寂Quiet and Desolate

12.19.精俭Simple and Exquisite






12.25.第5圈:茶道素养  5th Circle :Tea Lore Accomplishments









12.34.哲学、宗教   Philosophy, Religion






12.40.香道 Incense Lore


12.42.花道Flower Arrangement

12.43.识茶Tea Recognizing

12.44.制茶Tea Making

二.茶叶沖泡与茶汤内涵Tea Infusion and Tea Liquid Connotation Diagram


1st Circle: Tea liquid Color-Scent-Taste  Connotation

00.00.茶 汤 Tea Liquid

12.46.色相 Hue

12.47.明度  Brightness



12.50.香型 Scent Type

12.51.强度 Strength Degree

12.52.持续度 Flavor Endurance

12.53.香性 Scent Character

00.00.茶性 Tea Character

12.54.调和度 Harmonious Degree

00.00.稠度 Richness

00.00.强度  Strength

12.55.第2圈:泡茶五要素5-Keys of Brewing

00.00.水温 Temperature

00.00.茶水比例Tea to Water Ratio


12.56.冲泡器Tea Brewing Vessel

12.57.水质 Water Quality

12.58.第3圈:影响茶叶浸泡时间的因素  Factors Affecting Tea Steeping Time


Water substances soluble speed(one of the Inner Factors)

00.00.茶叶完整度  Tea Leaf Integrity Degree

00.00.枝叶连理情形 Stem and Leaf Joint Condition

00.00.叶形大小 Leaf Shape Size

00.00.芽型或叶型Tip Type or Leaf Type

00.00.茶青成熟度Tea Harvest Maturity Degree

00.00.外形紧结度Tea Shape Tightness

00.00.条索紧结度Leaf Twist-Tightness

00.00.发酵程度Fermentation Degree

00.00.萎凋程度 Withering Degree

00.00.揉捻程度 Rolling Degree

00.00.焙火程度Roasting Degree

12.60.陈放年份 Storing Time

12.61.渥堆情形 Piling Condition

00.00.虫咬情形 Insect Bitten Condition

12.62.水可溶物多寡(内在因素 之二)

Water substances  amount(another Inner Factors)

00.00.焙火程度Roasting Degree

00.00.发酵程度 Fermentation Degree

12.63.茶青质量Fresh Leaf Quality

12.64.外在因素Outer Factors

00.00.茶量 Tea Amount


12.65.水质 Water Quality

12.66.冲泡器材质Brew Vessel Material

00.00.倒干程度 Drain Drying Degree

00.00.每泡间隔时间 Every Brew Interim Time

12.67.前一泡的浓度Previous Brew Strength

三.茶法与茶会类型图解Tea Methodology and Tea Functions Diagram

00.00.第1圈:十大泡茶法1st Circle: The Ten Tea Methods

12.68.泡茶法Tea Brewing Methodology

00.00.小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Method

00.00.盖碗茶法Cover Bowl Tea Method

00.00.大桶茶法Large Capacity Tea Method

00.00.浓缩茶法Concentrated Tea Method

00.00.含叶茶法Nonstrained Tea Method

00.00.旅行茶法Travel Tea Method

00.00.抹茶法Whisking Tea Method

00.00.煮茶法Boiling Tea Method

00.00.冷泡茶法Cold Tea Method

00.00.泡沫茶法Foam Tea Method


2nd and 3rd Circle: Classified by the Tea Function Style, and Examples

12.70.茶会类型 Tea Function Type

12.71.茶席式 Tea Site Style

12.72.桌上茶席 Table Tea Site

12.73.席地茶席 Ground Tea Site

12.74.榻榻米茶席Tatami Tea Site

12.75.宴会式 Banquet Tea Style

12.76.茶席个别供茶式 Tea Site Supplying Tea Individually

12.77.统一供茶式 Supplying Tea Centralized

12.78.流觞式Floating Cup Style

12.79.曲水茶宴 Winding Creek Tea Gathering

12.80.环列式 Circle Tea Style

00.00.无我茶会Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

12.81.礼仪式Etiquette Style

12.82.四序茶会Perennial Tea Ceremony

12.83.献茶礼Offer Tea Ritual

12.84.寺院茶礼 Temple Tea Ceremony


4th Circle: Classified by the Tea Function Purpose

12.86.为茶道  For Teaism

12.87.为庆祝 For Celebrating

12.88.为追思 For Remembrance

12.89.为游兴 For Leisure

12.90.为社交 For Socializing

12.91.为仪轨For Rites

四.无我茶会要义图解Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Connotation Diagram

12.92.第1圈:茶会队形 1st Circle: Tea Function Formation

12.93.围成圆圈泡茶gather to form a circle to brew tea

00.00.第2圈:特殊做法 2nd Circle: The special way

00.00.抽签决定座次Drawing Lots for Seating

00.00.茶具自备泡法不拘prepare tea ware and not confined to any brewing manner

00.00.单边奉茶same direction tea serving

00.00.茶叶自备种类不拘 Prepare tea leaf of any kind

00.00.品饮自己与别人的茶汤 Drink one’s own and others tea liquid

00.00.依公告事项行事无需指挥 Follow Public Announcement no need for

a  director

00.00.泡茶席间不语Remain silent during brewing

00.00.第3圈:七大精神 3rd Circle: The Seven Principles

00.00.无尊卑之分No matter to social status

00.00.无流派与地域之分No distinction of school or region

00.00.无报偿之心No reward is expected

00.00.无好恶之心No bias

00.00.求精进之心Concentrate and  improve

00.00.遵守公共约定Everyone follows the public announcement

00.00.体现群体律动之美Express group rhythm and harmony

12.94.第4圈:衍生意义 4th Circle: Derivative Significance

00.00.随遇而安Feel at ease under all circumstances

12.95.信任 Trust

00.00.无所为而为Actions without intentions

12.96.不排斥新事物Don’t rule out new things


12.98.清和 Pure and peace

00.00.培养默契cultivate tacit understanding

12.99.第5圈:积极作为 5th Circle: Positive Action


“Tea Site Setup”,   “Participation  Mood”use simple and exquisite principles

12.101.将选定的茶席与泡法做得是自己当时的最好Tea site and tea method once

selected do it best

12.102.有人围观时行〝对外奉茶〞If there are spectators have “spectator serving”

12.103.携带乐与大家分享的茶具与茶叶 Bring tea ware and tea that others

will enjoy

12.104.茶会名称不涉广告  Tea function name can not involve advertising

12.105.会后不交换茶具以为纪念 After tea function exchanging tea ware is

not    expectable

12.106.不要因自己的表现令与会者感到不悦 Do not let participants become

displeased because of one’s behavior

12.107.理解无中生有、有无交替的意义 Comprehending ‘being’ comes

from  ’emptiness’, and being and emptiness is circulation

五.茶文化与茶学图解Tea Culture and Tea Studies Diagram

六.茶文化与茶学图解Tea Culture and Tea Studies Diagram

12.108.茶文化 Tea Culture

12.109.茶學 Tea Studies

12.110.茶道Tea Lore

12.111.茶道載体Tea Lore Medium

12.112.茶道平台   Tea Platform

12.113.茶道內涵Tea Lore Connotation

12.114.茶道特質Tea Lore Characteristics

12.115.茶道素养Tea Lore Accomplishments

12.116.茶歷史Tea History

12.117.產業史Industrial History

12.118.生活史Life History

12.119.茶藝史Tea Arts History

12.120.思想史Ideology History

12.121.茶生活 Tea and Life

12.122.民生 Life

12.123.禮俗 Customs

12.124.醫藥 Medicine

12.125.茶推廣 Tea Promotion

12.126.語文 Languages

12.127.廣告 Advertising

12.128.宣傳 Publicity


12.130.茶產業Tea Industry



12.133.行銷   Marketing

12.134.政經 Politics

12.135.茶文化乃偏重内涵而言 Tea Culture emphasizes its connotation

12.136.茶学乃偏重课程而言Tea Studies emphasizes learning

七.茶学书库分类索引Tea Studies Library Classification and Index

首阶编码1st Order Code 首阶分类1st Order Classification 2阶编码与分类2nd Order Code and Classification 注Remark
B 茶思想Tea Ideology B1. 茶思综述Tea Ideology Synthesis 含文集Including collection of works
B2. 茶哲Tea Philosophy 含道德. 思维Including morality and thinking
B3. 茶与宗教Religious studies
B4. 茶美学Tea Aesthetics
D 茶政策Tea Policies D1. 茶政经军Tea Politics , Economy, and Military 如茶马政策、榷茶法Such as tea-horse Policy, tea taxes
D2. 茶法规Tea Laws and Regulations 现今Presently
F 茶经济Tea Economics F1. 茶经济综述Tea Economics Synthesis
F2. 茶行销Tea Marketing 含通路Including sales route
F3. 茶餐饮Tea Restaurant
F4. 茶广告Tea Advertising
F5. 茶包装Tea Packaging 含茶叶茶具Including tea leaf and tea utensils
G 茶文化Tea Culture G1. 茶文化学Tea Culture Studies 另有Z1.茶学综述And other “Z.1.Tea Studies Synthesis ”
G2. 茶文化比较Tea Culture Comparison 含品项、地域之比较.各国泡茶法归’L2.泡茶’Including  kind and region comparison,  Country’s Tea brewing methods belong  to ‘L2.Tea Brewing’
G3. 文化茶集Tea Culture Collection of Works 即茶文化类之文集Present tea culture classification and collected works
G4. 文化茶址Region of  Tea Culture
G5. 茶教育Tea Studies Education 含推广Including promotion
H 茶译文Tea Translation H1. 茶英译Tea English Translation 仅茶术语之译,译著归其所属类别Only tea terminology translation, translated version belong s to their order
H2. 茶日译Tea Japanese Translation
H3. 他语茶译Other Language Tea Translation
I 茶文学Tea Literature I1.茶文综述Tea Literature Synthesis
I2.茶诗Tea Poetry
I3.其他茶文Other Tea Literature 含非茶作品including tea related works
J 茶艺术Tea Arts J1.茶美术Tea and Fine Arts 含音乐、陶艺including music, and ceramics
J2.品茗Tea Savoring 含识茶、饮食、相关作物Including tea recognition, food and beverage, and related foods
J3.品茗环境Tea Ambience
J4.茶花石等Floral Arrangement and Stone Appreciation 插花、石艺、挂物floral arranging, stone appreciation, hanging Art
J5.香道Incense Lore
K 茶史地Tea History and Geographical Characteristics K1.茶史茶事Tea History and Matters 含单位志including organization history
K2.茶产地Tea Growing Region
K3.茶书茶人Tea Books and Tea Man
K4.茶俗Tea Customs
K5.茶史期刊Tea History Periodicals
L 泡茶法Tea Brewing Method L1.泡茶综述Tea Brewing Synthesis
L2.泡茶Tea Brewing 含水including water
L3.茶调饮Tea Beverage 含咖啡等非茶类including coffee and non-teas
M 茶会Tea Function M1.茶会综述Tea Function Synthesis
M2.茶会Tea Ceremony
O 茶化学Tea Chemistry O1. 茶化学Tea Chemistry
R 茶保健Tea and Health R1.茶健综述Tea Health Synthesis
R2.茶保健Tea Health Care 含民俗药方including folk prescriptions
R3.茶医药Tea Medicine
R4.茶保健期刊Tea Health  Periodicals
S 茶农业Tea Agriculture S1.茶作综述Tea Production  Synthesis
S2.茶品种Tea Varieties
S3.茶耕作Tea Cultivation 含土壤肥料、病虫害,相关作物Including soil fertilizer, plant diseases and insect pests, and related crops
S4.茶园机械Tea Plantation Machinery
S5茶园永续Tea Plantation Sustainable Agriculture 如有机茶(含加工)、生态保育,such as organic tea(including added processing), and ecology,
S6.茶叶期刊Tea  Periodicals 以茶作、茶造为主者primarily for tea growing and making,
T 茶工业Tea Industry T1.茶造综述Tea Making Synthesis 与‘茶作’ 同述时归’S1.茶作综述’.if including tea growing, belongs to ‘S1.tea production  synthesis’
T2.茶初加工Tea Primary Processing 含广义茶饮including non-teas
T3.茶厂机械Tea Factory Machinery
T4.茶审检Tea Inspection 含审评、检验、标准including tasting, inspecting, and Standardizing
T5.茶深加工Tea Advance Added Processing 含茶多元应用including tea multiple application
W 茶器Tea Utensils W1.茶具、饰物Tea Utensils Decorative Items 含赏including admirations
W2.茶陶等制作Tea Pottery Manufacturing 含史including history
W3.茶器期刊Tea Utensils Periodicals
Y 茶食Tea Foods Y1.茶食综述Tea Foods Synthesis
Y2.茶点心Tea Snacks
Y3.茶肴Tea Cuisine
Y4.茶食期刊Tea Foods Periodicals
Z 茶综合Including Review Z1.茶学综述Tea Studies Synthesis 仅局部综述者、归入所属类别.含茶百科 part of synthesis will belong to their orders.  Including tea wikipedia
Z2.茶学文集Tea Studies Collection of  Works
Z3.茶词典Tea Dictionaries 含综合与专题Including general and special subjects
Z4. 茶综合期刊Tea Comprehensive Periodicals


第八章-茶会Chapter Eight-Tea Functions蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文“茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

(2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5)


The special way of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony and its Seven Principles


以下七条是无我茶会特殊做法及其七大精神 The special way of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony and its Seven Principles

8.2.座位由抽签决定──无尊卑之分 Seating arrangement is chosen randomly ──

No matter to social status

8.3.随遇而安feel at ease under all circumstances


参加无我茶会,是由”抽签决定座位,无尊卑之分 seating arrangement is chosen randomly、 no matter of social status “,且”随遇而安 feel at ease under all circumstances “。



8.4.依同一方向奉茶──无报偿之心 Serving tea in the same direction ── No reward is expected

8.5.单边奉茶 same direction tea serving

8.6.无所为而为的奉茶方式the style of serving is without intentions


无我茶会的奉茶方式是”依同一方向奉茶,无报偿之心 serve tea in the same direction、 no reward is expected “。这种”单边奉茶 same direction tea serving “的奉茶方向tea serving direction是种”无所为而为的奉茶方式 the style of serving is without intentions “。



Accept and appreciate different teas ── No bias


参加无我茶会的茶叶自备,而且种类不拘。希望大家”接纳、欣赏各种茶,无好恶之心 accept and appreciate different teas、 no bias “。


8.8.努力把茶泡好──求精进之心 Brew the best one can ── Concentrate and  improve


每人从左或从右单边奉出约定的杯数,也留一杯给自己,这样每人就可以喝到自己与别人的茶。把茶泡坏了,是对不起自己、对不起别人、对不起茶的。无我茶会希望大家”努力把茶泡好,求精进之心 brew the best one can、 concentrate and improve “。


8.9.无须指挥与司仪──遵守公共约定 No director ──Everyone follows the public announcement


无我茶会是”依事先排定的程序与约定进行 follow the agreed schedule and practices “,”无需指挥与司仪 no director or master of ceremonies “,希望大家”遵守公共约定 follows the public rules “。


8.10.泡茶席间不语──培养默契、体现团体律动之美 Remain silent during brewing ─To cooperate and appear in group rhythm and harmony

无我茶会在开始泡茶后即”席间不语 remain silent during brewing time “,一方面”培养默契 cultivate tacit understanding “,一方面”体现团体律动之美 express group rhythm and harmony “。


8.11.泡茶方式不拘──无流派与地域之分 Not confined to any tea brewing manner ──No distinction of school or region


无我茶会的茶具由与会者自行携带,且”泡茶方式不拘,无流派与地域之分”  not confined to any brewing manner、 no distinction of school or region. “。


8.12.围成圈圈泡茶gather to form a circle to brew tea


无我茶会的基本形式是大家”围成圈圈泡茶 gather to form a circle to brew tea “。


8.13.视为接续regard as connected


大家围成圈圈泡茶的”圈圈”是只要头尾相接即可,不论是圆形、方形,还是不规则的形状。即使中间被一颗大树或小桥隔开,也可以”视为接续 regard as connected “。


8.14.席地而坐sit on the ground


无我茶会泡茶时,喜欢大家”席地而坐 sit on the ground “,这样不但方便,而且人与人之间没有桌椅的阻挡,更形亲密。



8.15.精俭simple and exquisite

8.16.茶具力求简便strive for simplified tea ware

8.17.行政工作力求简便strive for simplified administration affairs

8.18.参加无我茶会的目的力求简单strive for simplified participation goals of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony


无我茶会遵守”精俭原则 simple and exquisite “:所带的”茶具力求简便 strive for simplified tea ware “、举办茶会的”行政工作力求简便 strive for simplified administration affairs “、个人”参加无我茶会的目的力求简单 strive for simplified participation goals of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “。


8.19.有了以后的无full and then empty


8.20.一人独饮sole drinking

8.21.两人对饮couple drinking

8.22.一人到千万人的无我茶会one to ten million people Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony


无我茶会不拘人数多寡,从”一人独饮 solely drinking “、”两人对饮 couple drinking “到千万人都可以举行,所以说是”一人到千万人的无我茶会 one to ten million people Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “。


8..无我茶会的工作人员Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony staff


“无我茶会的工作人员 Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony staff “最好都是由参与无我茶会泡茶的人兼任,但负责摄录像的人员比较不容易做到。


8.23.会前准备事项preparations before the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

8.24.无我茶会名称Particular Name of the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

8.25.茶会进行程序Ceremony Schedule

8.26.工作人员开始布置会场task members begin arranging the site

8.27.与会人员开始报到入座participants began to check in and then find seats

8.28.开始泡茶begin brewing

8.29.会后活动开始begin the post Ceremony Post Activity


每次举办无我茶会的”会前准备事项preparations before the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony ”

包括订定该次”无我茶会名称 name of the “Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony” “,接着排定”茶会进行程序 Ceremony Schedule “,例如何时”工作人员开始布置会场 task members begin arranging the site”、何时”与会人员开始报到入座 participants began to check in and then find seats “、何时”开始泡茶 begin brewing “、何时”会后活动开始 begin the post Ceremony Post Activity “等。


8.30.茶会名称标示tea ceremony name sign

8.31.内圈中心点inner circle’s center point


会场上要标示出该次无我茶会的名称,最重要的”茶会名称标示 tea ceremony name sign “应在于泡茶队伍的”内圈中心点 inner circle’s center  point “,而且相对的二面都要有标示。


8.32.工作分配task distribution

8.33.场地组site arrangement team

8.34.会务组administration team

8.35.纪录组recording team

8.36.主办单位hosting sponsor


8.38.公告事项Public Announcement


会前的准备期间还要从事”工作分配 task distribution “,例如”场地组 site arrangement team “、”会务组 administration team “、”纪录组 recording team “等等。然后将会程、工作分配,以及”主办单位 hosting sponsor “、”召集人 convener “等资料汇整成”公告事项 Public Announcement “,分发给与会人员。


8.39.会前说明会Proceeding Instruction Meeting


为使第一次参加无我茶会的人知道茶会是如何进行的?其精神何在?应该为他们举办”会前说明会 Proceeding  Instruction  Meeting “。


8.40.无我茶会茶具Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony tea ware

8.41.旅行茶具travel tea ware

8.42.不带珍贵茶具do not bring valuable tea ware


与会者参加无我茶会所携带的茶具称为”无我茶会茶具 Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony tea ware “,是种”旅行茶具 travel tea ware “,以精俭为原则,且”不带珍贵茶具 do not bring valuable tea ware “。


8.43.无我茶会基本道具Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony basic ware

8.44.坐垫seat cushion

8.45.泡茶器tea brewing utensil

8.46.茶盅tea pitcher


8.48.奉茶盘tea serving tray

8.49.旅行用保温瓶travel thermos


8.51.茶巾tea towel

8.52.有流茶碗spout bowl

8.53.抹茶罐powder tea canister

8.54.茶杓tea scoop

8.55.茶筅tea whisk


“无我茶会基本道具 Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony basic ware “包括:方便席地而坐的”坐垫 seat cushion “、用以泡茶的”泡茶器 tea brewing utensil “、用以盛装茶汤的”茶盅 tea pitcher “、用以奉茶的”茶杯 teacup “、方便端杯或端盅奉茶的”奉茶盘 tea serving tray “、携带泡茶用水的”旅行用保温瓶 travel thermos “、计算茶叶浸泡时间的”计时器 timer “、吸干水滴擦拭茶杯的”茶巾 tea towel “。如果泡的是抹茶,则泡茶器改为”有流茶碗 spout bowl “,另备装抹茶的”抹茶罐 powder tea canister “、舀抹茶的”茶杓 tea scoop “、搅击抹茶的”茶筅 tea whisk “。


8.56.茶具的携带tea ware carrying

8..57包壶巾packing wrap

8.58.杯套cup covers

8.59.泡茶巾brewing cloth

8.60.包壶巾packing wrap

8.61.茶具袋tea ware bag


因为无我茶会茶具是旅行茶具,所以”茶具的携带 tea ware carrying “变得很重要。茶壶要有”包壶巾 packing wrap “包裹,茶杯要有”杯套 cup covers “保护,”泡茶巾brewing cloth”可用”包壶巾 packing wrap ” 代替。然后将这些茶具都放入”茶具袋 tea ware bag “内携带。


8.62.夜晚无我茶会Night Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

8.63.夜晚无我茶会灯Night Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony lamp


于夜晚举办的无我茶会称为”夜晚无我茶会 Night Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “,目的在提醒人们注意夜色之美。参加夜晚无我茶会时要另备”夜晚无我茶会灯 Night Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony  lamp “。


8.64.防潮垫布waterproof pad

8.65.地衣ground shawl


为防地面潮湿或有尘土,可备一条”防潮垫布 waterproof pad “,一般称作”地衣 ground shawl “。然后才将坐垫、茶具摆在上面。


8.66.茶的携带tea carrying


“茶的携带 tea carrying “是于出门前将茶放入壶内,这样就不必再多备茶叶罐了。


8.67.泡茶用水的准备brewing water preparation


“泡茶用水的准备 brewing water preparation  “也是在出门前将所需温度的热水装入保温瓶内携带。从装水到使用的期间不要超过半天,下午要用的热水,中午出门前才装。





无我茶会是使用简便的旅行用茶具,所以茶具的使用功能要好,如茶壶的”滤渣功能 strain “、”断水功能 non-drip “。


8.70.泡两种茶的规划brew two kinds of tea planning


无我茶会如果是”泡两种茶的规划 brew two kinds of tea planning “,可将第二种茶用另一把壶装妥,以另一条包壶巾包裹。泡完第一种茶后,将泡第一种茶的壶用包壶巾包扎起来,换上新的壶包。


8.71.供应茶食的规划supply snacks planning


无我茶会如果有”供应茶食的规划 supply  snacks planning “,就要备一张餐巾纸或茶食盘放在自己茶席的被奉茶区上,让别人前来奉茶食。


8.72.穿脱方便的鞋子convenient shoes to wear and take off


参加无我茶会时,要穿一双”穿脱方便的鞋子 convenient  shoes to wear and take off “,以便脱掉鞋子坐在坐垫上。


8.73.工作检查表task check list


茶会前的各项准备工作,最好设计成”工作检查表 task check list “,逐项检查之。


8.74.场地可容纳人数site capacity

8.75.场地规划图site planning chart

8.76.茶会队形tea ceremony formation


选定场地时,首先要计算出”场地可容纳人数 site capacity “,接着要画出”场地规划图 site planning chart “;这时”茶会队形 tea ceremony  formation “就会产生。


8.77.号码牌的方向 seat numbering direction

8.78.就坐方向seating direction

8.79.向心坐concentric circles


茶会队形不论是围成几圈,每圈的人都要面向圆心就坐,因此摆设号码牌时要留意”号码牌的方向 seat numbering direction “对”就坐方向 seating direction “的引导作用。一般人会依号码牌上的数字或文字方向就座。无我茶会是围成一圈或数圈泡茶,每一圈的茶友都要”向心坐 seat facing center “,也就是向着圆心的方向就坐。


8.80.座号排列方向seat numbering direction


“座号排列方向 seat numbering direction “要依”奉茶方向 tea serving direction “而定,若此次无我茶会是向左奉茶,则号码牌要依顺时钟方向排列,若向右奉茶,则依逆时钟方向排列。因为一般人有依号码次序行动的习惯。


8.81.安排座位 arrange seats


“安排座位 arrange seats “的工作包括上述的”号码牌制作”、”座位的区段划分”、”就坐方向的引导”、”座号排列方向”的订定,以及实际指挥工作人员在半小时以内将号码牌摆设完毕。


8.82.席地泡茶时的一人空间individual’s space for brewing on the


无我茶会”席地泡茶时的一人空间 individual’s space for  brewing on the ground “需要左右80cm、前后160cm。


8.83.相邻两人间的走道two neighbors path


“相邻两人间的走道 two neighbors path “最少要40cm。


8.84.座位前方的奉茶空间serving space for others in front of one’s site


“座位前方的奉茶空间serving space for others in front of one’s site “要有80cm。如果正对面就是泡茶队伍的另一边,对方的奉茶空间也要有80cm,否则无法同时让两个人奉茶给相对的两个人。


8.85.报到处位置check-in location

8.86.座号的起点beginning seat number


“报到处位置 check-in location “最好设于与会者最先到达的地方,最好也处于”座号的起点 beginning seat number “。


8.87.音响主机与喇叭位置audio equipment and speaker locations

8.88.解说员位置narrator location

8.89.表演者位置performer location


勘查地形时要就电源所在地与风向、地形决定”音响主机与喇叭位置 audio equipment and speaker locations “,随后再决定”解说员位置 narrator location “与”表演者位置 performer location “,因为他们都会应用到音响设备。


8.90.公共走道public path

8.91.会场范围标示ceremony area markers


在公共场所举行无我茶会时,要在适当的位置留出”公共走道 public path “,而且以适当的方法做”会场范围标示 ceremony area markers “。


8.92.可供使用的厕所available restrooms

8.93.临时性厕所temporary toilet

8.94.野外厕所outdoor latrine


举办无我茶会的地方要有”可供使用的厕所 available restrooms “,否则除租用”临时性厕所 temporary toilet “外,就是自行构筑”野外厕所 outdoor latrine “。


8.95.下雨时的第二方案substitute plan for rain


找寻场地时,还要考虑”下雨时的第二方案 substitute plan for rain “。


8.96.号码牌seat number marker


座位”号码牌 seat number marker “可以使用纸片放在地上、也可以使用竹片钉在草地上、也可以把准备送给与会者的纪念品当做号码牌。


8.97.座位的区段划分seat section dividing


“座位的区段划分 seat section dividing “是让多位工作人员可同时摆设号码牌的有效方法。


8.98.与会人员开始报到入座participants began to check in and then find seats

8.99.签条drawing ticket

8.100.号码条number slip

8.101.签名条sign slip

8.102.签袋drawing bag

8.103.签名条回收袋signed slip return bag


为了与会者的报到,主办单位事先必须准备抽”座位号码”的”签条 drawing ticket “。签条包括”号码条 number slip “与”签名条 sign slip ” 二部分。还要有个”签袋 drawing bag “放置签条、有个”签名条回收袋signed slip return bag “回收签名条。


8.104.母子签family ticket


如果大人带有尚未能自行安全操作的小朋友参加无我茶会,抽签的时候可以准备”母子签 family ticket “供他们抽取,以便他们的茶席能在一起。


8.105.座位标示图seat chart


如果这是一场数百人的无我茶会,为方便大家寻找座位,可备一张”座位标示图 seat chart “放在”报到处 check-in area”。


8.106.报到处check-in area

8.107.报到处停止作业时间the closing time of check-in procedure

8.108.报到处人员the check-in staff


个人茶席设置完成后就是”茶具观摩与联谊时间 Tea Ware Appreciation and Friendship time “,到了这个时间的后半段,就是”报到处停止作业时间 the closing time of check-in procedure “,”报到处人员 the check-in staff “赶紧抽签入座设席。


8.109.行动不便者的座位安排disabled seat arrangement


对”行动不便者的座位安排 disabled seat arrangement “,可保留较为方便的座位签条让他们抽取。


8.110.人数与座位数的控制handling the amount of participants and seats


“人数与座位数的控制 handling the amount of participants and seats “是指实际出席的人数与座位数的配合。应机动性地增减签条与座位数以配合报到的人数。


8.111.报到手续check-in procedure



8.114.对时synchronize watches


8.116.分发向围观者奉茶的杯子distributing spectator cups


“报到手续 check-in procedure “包括”注册 registration  “,核对是否已报过名、缴过费;”识别 identification “,发给尚未有识别证的人员;”对时 synchronize watches “,请大家核对手表上的时间;”抽签 drawing “,抽取”设席位置”的号码;”分发向围观者奉茶的杯子 distributing spectator cups “,如果安排有向外奉茶。


8.117.事先报名register in advance

8.118.现场报名register at site


参加无我茶会分为”事先报名 register in advance “与”现场报名 register at site “。我们鼓励事先报名,这样比较容易掌握人数,也简化报到处的工作。


8.119.未带茶具的与会者participants without tea ware


未带茶具的与会者 participants without tea ware “包括未能一起泡茶的”品茗后活动 post tea drinking activity “表演者与临时和与会者到场的亲人或朋友。在未安排对外奉茶时,后者可以与前者一起参与抽签就座,但要避免这些不泡茶者二人以上集中在一起。他们可以在座位上接受奉茶,只是他们左边或右边”的茶友少掉一杯或两杯”被奉的茶而已。但如果是已报名或拟现场报名的”未带茶具者”就不可以参加抽签入座了。


8.120.茶席设置tea site setup

8.121.选定的茶席与泡茶方式ceremony site and brewing style decided


无我茶会先是报到,抽完签后找自己的座位,然后从事自己的”茶席设置 tea site setup “。茶具与泡茶方式都无限制,但要把您”选定的茶席与泡茶方式ceremony site and  brewing style decided “做得您当时所能的最好。


8.122.开始泡茶时间time to begin tea brewing

8.123.缺席者的号码牌empty seat number marker


到了快”开始泡茶时间 time to begin tea brewing”,场地组的人要将”缺席者的号码牌 empty seat number marker “收掉。


8.124.就坐方式sitting style

8.125.跪坐kneel sitting

无我茶会喜欢席地泡茶,但”就坐方式 sitting style “不拘,如果身体允许,最好采取”跪坐 kneel sitting “的方式。


8.126.坐垫前缘中心点the middle of the front side of the seat cushion


如何让每个茶席能依场地规划时所希望的泡茶队形来设置呢?要领就是将”坐垫前缘中心点 the middle of the front side of the seat cushion “对准号码牌。


8.127.别人前来奉茶的奉茶区cup place for others to serve


设席时要将自己”泡茶区”的前端空出来,作为”别人前来奉茶的奉茶区 cup place for others to serve “。


8.128.茶具观摩与联谊时间Tea Ware Appreciation and Friendship Time

8.129.联谊人员friendship staff


自己的茶席设置完成后,就是”茶具观摩与联谊时间Tea Ware Appreciation and Friendship Time   “。若与会者是来自不熟识的团体,可设置”联谊人员 friendship staff “帮助大家的相识。


8.130.向围观者奉茶spectator tea serving


8.132.对外解说narration for spectators


如果这次无我茶会决定要向围观者奉茶spectator tea serving   “,就要设置”解说员 narrator “”对外解说 narration for spectators “,让围观者知道这群人在做什么。



8.133.一次性纸杯disposable cups

8.134.纪念性杯子commemorative cups


如果这次茶会安排有向围观者奉茶,就要准备”一次性纸杯 disposable cups “或让他们带回去做纪念的”纪念性杯子 commemorative cups “。



8.135.简便泡茶法Simplified Tea Method

8.136.奉茶不一定得依前后次序no need to keep sequence for tea serving


无我茶会希望大家使用”简便泡茶法 Simplified Tea Method “。”奉茶不一定得依前后次序 no need to keep sequence for tea serving “,收杯时也是一样。


8.137.空位empty seat

8.138.不泡茶的与会者non tea brewing participants


奉茶时遇到”空位 empty seat “,不要将它算做是一个奉茶的对象;但遇到”不泡茶的与会者 non tea brewing participants “,就要将它算做奉茶的对象了。


8.139.杯位放置规则cup placing rule

8.140.杯位次序cup placing sequence

8.141.从奉茶者的右边算起count from the server’s right side


奉茶时”杯位放置规则 cup placing rule “是:奉给第一位客人时、放在他的”被奉茶区”的第一个位置;奉给第二位客人时,放在他的被奉茶区的第二个位置;奉给第三位客人时,放在他的被奉茶区的第三个位置,自己的一杯,放在自己的被奉茶区的第四个位置。”杯位次序 cup placing sequence “是”从奉茶者的右边算起 count from the server’s right side “。


8.142.泡茶杯数与泡茶次数number of teacups and number of brews


该次茶会的”泡茶杯数与泡茶次数 number of teacups and number of brews “会载明于公告事项上,与会者依此携带所需的杯子与相应大小的茶壶、保温瓶,且备相应份量的茶叶或抹茶。


8.143.奉茶间的礼节etiquette during the tea serving

8.144.奉茶者tea server

8.145.被奉茶者people that have been served


“奉茶间的礼节etiquette during the tea serving “是指”奉茶者 tea server “与”被奉茶者 people that have been served “间应有的礼貌。


8.146.何时开始喝茶 When to begin drinking

8.147.从哪一杯开始喝起 Which cup to begin drinking


“何时开始喝茶 When to begin drinking “呢?自己被奉的茶到齐后就可以开始喝茶。”从哪一杯开始喝起which cup to begin drinking “呢?都可以。


8.148.全体向特定对象奉茶everyone serves tea to the same designation

8.149.一饮同心drinking in one mind


某些纪念性无我茶会是”全体向特定对象奉茶 everyone serves tea to the same designation “,而且只奉第一道。待收杯时,将这一杯收回,若这一杯尚未被喝掉,回座位后将之喝掉。这是体会”一饮同心 drinking in one mind “的做法。


8.150.茶汤的补救措施tea liquid adjustment

8.151.爱茶love tea


如果自己的茶泡坏了,可以从事”茶汤的补救措施 tea liquid adjustment “;如果别人奉来的茶太浓了,可以调一些水再喝。这都是茶人”爱茶 love tea “的心情。


8.152.静坐tranquil sitting

8.153.品茗后的空白之美white space beauty of post tea drinking

8.154.播放式的音乐欣赏broadcast music

8.155.现场音乐表演live music


喝完最后一道茶,无我茶会常会安排一段”品茗后活动”。大家静坐原位,或聆听一段音乐,或单纯”静坐 tranquil sitting “二、三分钟,回味一下刚才茶会的情境,也让茶味在口腔内回荡,这是”品茗后的空白之美 white space beauty of post tea drinking “。聆听的音乐可以是”播放式的音乐欣赏 broadcast music “,也可以是”现场音乐表演 live music”。


8.156.泡茶的队伍里in the brewers’ formation


品茗后活动如果是现场音乐表演,表演者的位置最好是在”泡茶的队伍里 in the brewers’ formation “,而且表演者最好就是参加无我茶会的人。


8.157.擦拭自己用过的杯子wipe used cups


“品茗后活动”后,大家”擦拭自己用过的杯子 wipe used cups “,出去收回自己的杯子。


8.158.最外圈的泡茶者后面behind the brewers of most outer circle


解说员的位置应设置于泡茶队伍”最外圈的泡茶者后面 behind the brewers of most outer circle “。


8.159.其中哪几道奉给围观者which brews for the spectator servings

8.160.奉给围观者的茶泡妥后after spectator tea has been brewed

8.161.每道加奉一人给围观者every brew add one serving for one spectator

8.162.向围观者奉茶spectator tea serving

8.163.圈内奉茶neighbor tea serving


这次茶会所泡的茶,”其中哪几道奉给围观者 which brews for the spectator servings “会事先载明于公告事项上。若这道茶是以杯子奉茶给围观者,当”奉给围观者的茶泡妥后 after spectator tea has been brewed “,才从茶具袋内取出杯子,分茶而后奉茶。若这次对围观者奉茶的方式是”每道加奉一人给围观者 every brew add one serving for one spectator “,则是第一道在奉圈内茶友的杯子外另加一个奉给围观者的杯子,第二道以后则是在持盅奉完圈内茶友的茶后再倒一杯茶给围观者。

如果此次茶会安排”向围观者奉茶 spectator tea serving “,可约定大家泡四道,一、三道”圈内奉茶 neighbor tea serving “,二、四道向围观者奉茶。


8.164.特别邀请的贵宾invited honored guests


如果有”特别邀请的贵宾 invited honored guests “,在对围观者奉茶的茶会上,只要依一般的围观者接待即可。若无对围观者奉茶,可安排一位或数位圈内泡茶者”每道加奉一人给特别邀请的贵宾”。


8.165.会后合影ending group photo

8..会后活动post tea ceremony activity


茶会在收拾个人的茶具后就算结束,然后进行”会后合影 ending group photo “。合影后还可以另行安排”会后活动 post tea ceremony activity “。


8.166.一壶二杯一热水 one pot、 two cups、 and a thermos

8.167.个人旅行茶具personal travel tea ware


无我茶会使用的是比较完备的”旅行用茶具”,还可以从中择取”一壶二杯一热水 one pot、 two cups、 and a thermos “组成”个人旅行茶具 personal travel tea ware “。  这样的茶具组合方式都是日常生活可以应用到的,不限于无我茶会时使用。


8.168.亲子无我茶会Families Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

8.169.老吾老以及人之老幼吾幼以及人之幼to take care of one’s own aged parents first and then extend the same care to the aged people in general to look after others’ children as well as one’s own


利用无我茶会的形式在母亲节举办”亲子无我茶会Families Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “是很有意义的,让大家体会”老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼 to take care of one’s own aged parents first and then extend the same care to the aged people in general、 to look after others’ children as well as one’s own “的境界。


8.170.单位无我茶会Group Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony


无我茶会也可以在机关、公司内,针对内部的员工举行, 是为”单位无我茶会 Group Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “。可促进单位同仁的和谐与互助合作。


8.171.杯子等茶具的卫生cups and tea ware hygiene


无我茶会的茶具是等回家后才清洗的。由于是公共性的茶会,所以大家都要很重视”杯子等茶具的卫生 cups and tea ware hygiene “。


8.172.纪念性无我茶会Event Service Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony


为了结婚典礼、庆祝生日、开幕式或告别式等而举办的无我茶会称为”纪念性无我茶会 Event Service Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “。


8.173.不设贵宾席与长官致辞时间do not set up honored guest table or speech time


无我茶会”不设贵宾席与长官致辞时间 do not set up honored guest table or speech time “。


8.174.品茗后活动post tea drinking activity

8.175.不陪衬音乐do not accompany with music


无我茶会除”品茗后活动post tea drinking activity  “可以安排音乐欣赏外,在茶会进行间”不陪衬音乐 do not accompany with music “。


8.176.无我茶会所需时间required time of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

8.177.国际无我茶会International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony


一场”无我茶会所需时间 required time of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “不会超过两小时的,包括报到时间、设席时间、茶具观摩与联谊时间、泡茶时间、收具时间、合影时间。即使是大型的”国际无我茶会 International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “。


8.178.无emptiness (wu)

8.179.有 being (you)

8.180.有了以后的无 full and then empty

8.181.彩虹会旗rainbow flag


无我茶会强调的是”无emptiness”的理念,是”有了以后的无 full and then empty”,有如”彩虹会旗 rainbow flag”,在七彩融合之后显现出的无。


8.182.无我茶会指导老师Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Instructor

8.183.茶道老师Tea Lore Instructor

8.184.茶道教室tea lore classroom

8.185.茶道教室主任老师Chief Instructor of the Tea Lore Classroom


为推广无我茶会,在各地设置有”无我茶会指导老师 Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Instructor “,培养能参加无我茶会的人。接着再从”无我茶会指导老师”中甄选出”茶道老师 Tea Lore Instructor “,从无我茶会扩充到其他茶学基本知识的传授。等到这些茶道老师中有人可以在自己的地方成立”茶道教室 tea lore classroom “,经甄选通过后再授以”茶道教室主任老师 Chief Instructor of the Tea Lore Classroom”的资格。以上是无我茶会的师资培训制度。


8.186.无我茶会道场Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Hall


设置”无我茶会道场 Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Hall “可以让各地方的人更方便地参加无我茶会。


8.187.第一座无我茶会纪念碑Original Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Monument



下的武夷山庄草坪上竖立了”第一座无我茶会纪念碑 Original Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Monument “。


8.188. 1990年与台北 Taipei, 1990″

8.189.无我茶会诞生时间与地点Created time and place of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony.”


“1990年与台北  Taipei, 1990  “是”无我茶会诞生时间与地点Created time and place of  Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony “。

*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones





第十章-日韩英茶文化 Chapter Ten-Japanese, Korean, and British Tea Culture-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文“茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

(2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5)

第十章-日韩英茶文化  Chapter Ten-Japanese, Korean, and British Tea Culture

一.日本茶文化  Japanese Tea Culture

10.1.荣西禅师Eisai Zen-Master

10.2.《喫茶养生记》”Treatise on Tea Drinking for Health”

“荣西禅师Eisai Zen-Master”于中国的宋代将茶树与饮茶法带回日本,并于晚年写了《喫茶养生记Treatise on Tea Drinking for Health》。

10.3.村田珠光Murata Shuko

10.4.武野绍鸥Takeno Joo

10.5.千利休Sen no Rikyu

荣西禅师等人将茶带回日本后,经过”村田珠光Murata Shuko” 、”武野绍鸥Takeno Joo”、”千利休Sen no Rikyu”等历代茶人的努力,建构了具有日本文化特色的日本茶道。这个系统是沿袭粉末茶而来的”抹茶道”。


10.7.煎茶道leaf tea ceremony

10.8.抹茶道 powder tea ceremony

泡茶方法在中国明代演变成浸泡的方式,这种方式也传到了日本,且形成所谓之”煎茶道leaf tea ceremony  “,日本将”卖茶翁Baisao”奉为煎茶道的鼻祖。

10.9.承蒙赐茶Thank you for offering this tea.

10.10.请恕先用Excuse me、 I will have a drink.

日本茶道在喝茶之前都会向主人说:”承蒙赐茶Thank you for offering this tea.”再向次一位客人说:”请恕先用Excuse me、 I will have a drink”。

10.11.蒙赐点心Thank you for offering snacks.

10.12.茶食是谁作的呀?非常好吃Who made these snacks? They are Delicious.

吃茶食前,会向主人说:”蒙赐点心Thank you for offering snacks.”,吃过后会向主人表示:”茶食是谁作的呀?非常好吃Who made these snacks? They are Delicious. “。


10.14.这服茶如何? How is the bowl of tea?

10.15.再一服如何? How about another bowl?

茶席的主人称为”亭主host”,招待一巡的茶后,问客人:”这服茶如何? How is the bowl of tea?”、”再一服如何? How about another bowl?”

10.16.薄茶thin tea

10.17.浓茶thick tea

抹茶分为”薄茶thin tea”与”浓茶thick tea”。薄茶泡成一般茶汤的浓度,一人一碗饮用,抹茶泡得很浓稠,数人共饮一碗。

10.18.抹茶单碗点茶法individual bowl whisk method

10.19.抹茶小杯点茶法whisk method with small cups

抹茶可以一碗一碗的喝,称为”抹茶单碗点茶法 powder tea bowl whisk method “,也可以先打成一碗,再分倒入小杯饮用,这种方式就称为”抹茶小杯点茶法 powder tea small cups whisk method “。

10.20.日本茶道Japanese Tea Ceremony

10.21.汤瓶hot water pitcher

10.22.茶筅tea whisk

10.23.茶筅座whisk holder

10.24.茶巾tea towel

10.25.棚shelf stand

10.26.茶入thick tea caddy

10.27.枣thin tea caddy

10.28.茶碗tea bowl

10.29.茶杓tea scoop

10.30.流理间preparation room


10.32.挂轴hanging scroll

10.33.花入flower vase

10.34.炉sunken hearth


10.36.凉炉tall stove

10.37.茶磨tea mill

10.38.茶罗tea sieve

10.39.棕刷palm brush

10.40.盏托bowl stand

10.41.茶盏tea bowl

10.42.地炉sunken hearth

以上是”日本茶道Japanese Tea Ceremony  “”上使用的一些茶具,平时说日本茶道都是指”抹茶道”而言。

10.43.四规The Four Principles

10.44.和、敬、清、寂harmony、respect、purity、 tranquility

日本茶道有所谓的”四规The Four Principles”,即茶道精神之所在:”和、敬、清、寂harmony、respect、purity、 tranquility”。

10.45.空寂茶道the ‘Quiet and Desolate’ Way of Tea

10.46.草庵茶法Thatch Hut Tea Manner

10.47.四叠半茶室Four and a Half Tatami Tea Room


日本茶道具有浓厚”空寂茶道the ‘Quiet and Desolate’ Way of Tea”的精神,喜欢构筑草庵作为茶道的道场而称为”草庵茶法Thatch Hut Tea Manner”,空间不大而称”四叠半茶室Four and a Half Tatami Tea Room”,强调”不足imperfect”之美。

10.49.日本茶道的七则The Japanese Tea Ceremony Seven Rules

10.50.茶要泡得好喝Make the tea delicious

10.51.炭要放得使水烧得好Put charcoal makes water boil well

10.52.花要像长在原野里Arrange the flowers as though they were in the field.

10.53.夏天使凉冬天使暖Provide warmth in the winter and coolness in the summer

10.54.守时早到Early and on time

10.55.末雨绸缪Be prepared for rain

10.56.为他人设想Consideration to others always

日本茶道要求茶人们要遵守”日本茶道的七则The Japanese Tea Ceremony Seven Rules”,即上述的这七项。

10.57.宗匠茶mastery tea

10.58.文人茶literati tea

日本”煎茶道leaf tea ceremony”有强调泡茶基本功的所谓”宗匠茶mastery tea”,也有强调文人作风的所谓”文人茶literati tea”。

10.59.香合incense box


10.61.盖置lid rest

10.62.水指water jar


10.64.建水tea basin

10.65.煮水壶boiling kettle

10.66.水注water vessel

10.67.茶则tea holder



10.70.滓盂spent tea basin

10.71.茶箸tea chopsticks

10.72.炉屏stove screen

10.73.果子器snack container

以上是一些日本”煎茶道leaf tea ceremony”常用到的器具。

10.74.怀纸pocket paper

10.75.帛纱silk cloth

10.76.古帛纱classical silk cloth

10.77.扇子folding fan

10.78.帛纱夹silk cloth wallet

以上是参加”日本茶道Japanese Tea Ceremony”的客人所必須自备的茶道用具。

10.79.暂坐temporary seating

10.80.定坐proper seating

进入茶席拜见床龛与风炉后,为了不妨碍他人的拜见,暂时坐在临时性的位子上,称为”暂坐temporary seating”,客人拜见完毕,才坐到应该就坐的位子,称为”定坐proper seating”。

10.81.正客main guest

10.82.往上座的方向face main guest

10.83.往下座的方向face next guest

“正客main guest”是本次茶会最主要的客人,他定坐后,将扇子横放身后,扇柄”往上座的方向face main guest”,次客以下则是”往下座的方向face next guest”。

10.84.榻榻米的边缘tatami border

10.85.点前叠的缘外outside the preparation tatami border

在茶席上走动是不可以踏到”榻榻米的边缘tatami border”的。主人点好茶,将茶端到点茶所在的榻榻米称为点前叠”的缘外,这个地方称为”点前叠的缘外outside the preparation tatami border”。

10.86.露地pass garden

10.87.手水钵hand basin

“露地pass garden”就是茶庭,会设有”手水钵hand basin”供客人洗手净心,然后才进入到茶席内。

10.88.待合处standby site

10.89.草鞋straw sandals


“待合处standby site”是客人互相等待会合的地方,主人邀请入席时,从主客依次换穿”草鞋straw sandals”走入露地,如果下雨、下雪,可穿”露地木屐clogs”。

10.91.飞石stepping stones

10.92.关守石guide stone

进入茶庭,要踏着”飞石stepping stones”前进,不可践踏飞石之外的苔藓和土地,遇到”关守石guide stone”,这是绑着蕨绳的小石头,表示非从此路,应从另端进入茶席。

10.93.怀石料理Breast-Stone Cuisine

10.94.主茶食main snack

10.95.副茶食minor snack

“怀石料理Breast-Stone Cuisine “是与茶会结合的正餐,以精简为原则。茶食则是喝茶间搭配的点心,以点心钵或蒸笼盛放米糕、包子之类者称为”主茶食main snack”,以盘子端出糖果、饼干、鱼干之类者称为”副茶食minor snack”。

10.96.拜见茶碗admire tea bowl

10.97.茶师tea practitioner

10.98.炼茶的功夫tea whisking skills

10.99.茶铭tea description

客人喝过茶,可以”拜见茶碗admire tea bowl”,还可以从茶碗留下的茶跡欣赏”茶师tea practitioner””炼茶的功夫tea whisking skills”。也可以问问有关茶的描述,即所谓之”茶铭tea description”。

10.100.乐茶碗Raku tea bowl

“乐茶碗Raku tea bowl”是日本乐家代代所烧制的茶碗。其陶瓷器也统称为乐烧。

10.101.过茶筅rinse the whisk

茶席上,点茶之前,先将茶筅过一下热水的过程称为”过茶筅rinse the whisk”,一方面是点茶时筅穗较不易断裂,二方面利用这个时候检查一下茶筅的完整度。

10.102.躙口bow entrance

10.103.广间茶室large tea room

草庵式茶席的矮小入口称为”躙口bow entrance”,曲膝弯腰进入,提醒人们谦逊之心。”广间茶室large tea room”不设躙口,直接由拉门进入。




10.106.丰臣秀吉Toyotomi Hideyoshi

10.107.黄金茶屋Golden Tearoom

10.108.北野之森Kitano Forest

10.109.北野大茶会Kitano Great Tea Gathering

结束日本戦国时代的”丰臣秀吉”除拥有”黄金茶屋Golden Tearoom”外,更与千利休等人共同在京都”北野之森Kitano Forest “举办了茶道史上有名的”北野大茶会Kitano Great Tea Gathering”。

10.110.三千家Three Sen Houses




“三千家Three Sen Houses”是千利休的后代建立的茶道三大流派,即”里千家Urasenke”、”表千家Omotesenke”与”武者小路千家Mushanokojisenke”。

10.114.斗茶tea competition

“斗茶tea competition “是缘于中国宋朝的一种点茶比赛,传到日本演变成一种识茶赌博,1336年被颁令禁止。

10.115.藤原定家Fujiwara no Teika


Gazing long and long;
the blossoms and crimson leaves disappear.
A thatch hut out of the seaside;
in the autumn’s twilight appears.

日本茶道空寂精神的奠基人物之一”武野绍鸥”把”藤原定家Fujiwara no Teika”的这一首诗用来表现”空寂”的境界。

10.117.藤原家隆Fujiwara no Letaka

To the one who waits for the blossoms of spring;
show him the grasses pushing up among the snowy hills!

将”空寂”精神表现得很具体的千利休,常把”藤原家隆Fujiwara no Letaka “的这首诗作为生活的信条。
二.韩国茶文化  Korean Tea Culture

10.118.朝鲜Joseon Dynasty

10.119.草衣禅师Cho-Ui Zen-Master

10.120.大兴寺Daeheung Temple

10.121.一枝庵Ichishian living quarters

10.122.茶神传The Biography of Tea

10.123.东茶颂In Praise of Oriental Tea

韩国”朝鲜Joseon Dynasty”时代的”草衣禅师Cho-Ui Chan-Master” (1786~1866),在”大兴寺Daeheung Temple “的”一枝庵Ichishian living quarters”研究茶道,並著述了”茶神传The Biography of Tea”与”东茶颂In Praise of Oriental Tea”等韩国重要的茶书,被视为近代韩国茶道复兴的重要人物。

10.124.花郎徒Hwarang Party

韩国新罗时代(668~892)的”花郎徒Hwarang Party”们经常巡礼山川,他们修练身心是以唱乡歌和修习饮茶礼仪为主要功课。

三.英国茶文化 English Tea Culture
10.125.英国東印度公司EnglishEast India Company (England , 1600~1834)


10.126.大吉岭茶 Darjeeling Tea

10.127.伯爵茶 Earl Grey Tea

10.128.仕女伯爵Lady Grey

10.129.锡兰茶Ceylon Tea

10.130.阿萨姆茶 Assam Tea

10.131.英国早餐茶English Breakfast Tea


10.132.茶叶全书All About Tea

这是1935年在纽约出版的一本60万字大书,由William H. Ukers编著,所搜资料包罗万象,乃研究世界茶业历史很好的参考资料。

10.133.完美的一杯茶perfect cup of tea

10.134.寝觉茶early morning tea

10.135.早餐茶breakfast tea

10.136.早休茶morning tea break

10.137.午餐茶lunch tea

10.138.午休茶midday tea

10.139.下午茶afternoon tea

10.140.高茶high tea

10.141.餐后茶after dinner tea

“完美的一杯茶perfect cup of tea”是讲究生活品味的英国人所追求的。每天喝茶的时机就有上述那么多类別。

10.142.泡茶黄金律Tea Brewing Golden Rules





红茶界有所谓之”泡茶黄金律Tea Brewing Golden Rules “,确实遵守上述这四条黄金律,就可以泡出一杯色泽艳丽、香气馥郁、滋味浓厚而好喝的红茶了。

10.147.茶所tea place



10.150.茶休厅tea lounge

10.151.茶会tea party

“茶所tea place”就是买茶喝茶的地方,包括”茶店teashop”、”茶室tearoom”、”茶休厅tea lounge”等。茶休厅是旅馆里举办”茶会”的地方。



10.153.英国茶顾问委员会UK Tea Council

10.154.年度顶尖茶所Annual Top Tea Place

“英国茶顾问委员会UK Tea Council”曾每年选出英国最佳饮茶场所並加以表扬,颁给”年度顶尖茶所Annual Top Tea Place”的奖牌。

10.155.葡萄牙公主凯萨琳Catherine, Princess Catherine of Portugal


10.156.服装改革会The Dress Reform Society

10.157.茶服tea dress

1880年代,英国”服装改革会The Dress Reform Society”提倡一种柔软、不紧、舒适的”茶服tea dress “,使女性可以尽兴地吃东西与饮茶,而仍能保持文雅、优美和时髦的形象。

10.158. 格莱斯东William Ewart Gladstone (England, 1809~1898)

10.159. 当你寒冷时,茶会温暖你;当你燥热时,茶会清凉你;当你失意时,茶会鼓舞你;当你得意时,茶会平静你。If you are cold, tea will warm you; if you are too heated, it will cool you; if you are depressed, it will cheer you; if you are excited , it will calm you.

英国政治家”格莱斯东William Ewart Gladstone1809~1898″是著名饮茶家, 留下上述的一段诗句。

10.160.茶壶保温套tea cosy

“茶壶保温套tea cosy”用来罩住茶壶,免得茶汤凉得太快。

10.161.波士顿茶叶事件The Boston Tea Party


10.162.快速帆船clipper ship

10.163.飙船大赛Tea Clipper Races

为了快速载运中国茶叶,1845年美国建造了第一艘”快速帆船clipper ship”后,很快兴起了美英之间的”飙船大赛Tea Clipper Races”。

*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones (4102)

第一章-茶树裁培、采青、初制chapter-one-tea-cultivation-tea-harvesting-and-primary-processing-Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文“茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

(2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5)

第一章-茶树裁培、采青、初制Chapter One  Tea Cultivation, Tea Harvesting, and Primary Processing

1.1.有机农法organic agriculture

1.2.惯行农法conventional agriculture

1.3.化学肥料chemical fertilizer


茶树栽培最好采取”有机农法organic agriculture” ,少用”惯行农法conventional agriculture”常用的”化学肥料chemical fertilizer”、”除草剂herbicide”等”农药pesticide”。

1.6.自然生态natural ecology

1.7.地理环境geographic environment
合乎”自然生态natural ecology”的”地理环境geographic environment”才易生产高质量的茶青。

1.8.施肥情形fertilizer type

1.9.有机肥料organic fertilizer
“施肥情形fertilizer type”也会影响成茶的质量,使用”有机肥料organic fertilizer”优于化学肥料。

1.10.茶树tea plant

1.11.茶园tea plantation
茶是采摘茶树tea plant”的芽叶为原料制造而成,集中种植茶树的地方称茶园tea plantation”。
Tea product is harvested tea plant’s tips and leaves for manufacturing raw material, from tea plants of tea plantations.

1.12.乔木型tree type

1.13.灌木型bush type
有些茶树有明显主干,而且可以长得很高,称为”乔木型tree type” ;有些则无明显主干,长成树丛的样子,称为”灌木型bush type”。

1.14.小叶种small-leaf variety

1.15.大叶种large-leaf variety

1.16.中叶种medium-leaf variety
叶子长得小小的茶树品种称为小叶种small-leaf variety”,长得特别大的称为大叶种large-leaf variety”,长得不大不小的称为中叶种medium-leaf variety”。

1.17.茶树品种tea plant variety
“茶树品种tea plant variety”是否适宜作为某种茶类的原料,影响成茶的质量甚大。

1.18.树龄tree age
“树龄tree age”的大小也会影响成茶的质量,修剪型茶园的树龄不宜太大。

1.19.播种法seeding propagation

1.20.扦插法cutting propagation

1.21.有性繁殖natural propagation (gamogenesis)

1.22.无性繁殖clonal propagation (agamogenesis)
茶树的繁殖已从过去的”播种法seeding propagation”改为”扦插法cutting propagation” ,前者属”有性繁殖natural propagation” ,后者属”无性繁殖clonal propagation”。

高级绿抹茶的原料,在采摘前会有”遮荫 shading “的做法。

1.24.修剪型茶园shearing tea plantation

1.25.非修剪型茶园non-shearing tea plantation
我们看到每季采摘后都会从事修剪的茶园,茶树都只长到人们腰部的高度,那是属”修剪型茶园shearing tea plantation”。任其自然成长的茶园则称为非修剪型茶园non-shearing tea plantation”

1.26.青心乌龙Green Tip Oolong Variety

1.27.硬枝红心Firm Stem Red Tip Variety

1.28.铁观音Iron Goddess Variety

1.29.水仙Narcissus Variety

1.30.金萱台茶十二号” Jinxuan Golden Daylily” Variety Taiwan Tea var.12″

1.31.翠玉台茶十三号” Cuiyu Green Jade” Variety Taiwan Tea var.13″

1.32.铁观音茶 Iron Goddess Tea

1.33.水仙茶Narcissus Tea
可以制茶的茶树有许多品种,常听到的传统性品种如:”青心乌龙Green Tip Oolong Variety”、”硬枝红心Firm Stem Red Tip Variety”、”铁观音Iron Goddess Variety”、”水仙Narcissus Variety”等;常听到的新培育品种如”金萱Jinxuan、 Variety”、”翠玉Cuiyu Variety”等。若特别强调品种的风味,会以品种名作为成品茶的名称,如铁观音茶 Iron Goddess Tea”、水仙茶Narcissus Tea”等。


以嫩”芽”为主制成的茶,茶性比较”细致delicate” ;以嫩”叶”为主制成的茶,茶性比较”粗犷robust”。



1.38.茶青fresh leaves

1.39.采青tea harvesting
从茶树采下芽tip”叶leaf”作为制茶的原料,这些原料称为茶青fresh leaves”,这个采摘过程称为采青tea harvesting”。

1.40.采摘成熟度plucking tenderness

1.41.芽茶类tip-tea type

1.42.叶茶类leaf-tea type
依制茶原料 tea raw material ” 即茶青 fresh leaves ” 的采摘成熟度plucking tenderness”,可将茶分成”芽茶类tip-tea type” 与 “叶茶类leaf-tea type”。


1.44.一心一叶one-tip one-leaf

1.45.一心二叶one-tip two-leaf

1.46.一心三叶one-tip three-leaf

1.47.一心四叶one-tip four-leaf
芽茶类的茶青还分成”全芽心all-tip”、”一心一叶one-tip one-leaf”、”一心二叶one-tip two-leaf”、”一心三叶one-tip three-leaf”、”一心四叶one-tip four-leaf” 等等。

1.48.顶芽terminal bud

1.49.驻芽inert bud

1.50.对口叶terminal facing-leaf

1.51.对口二叶terminal facing two-leaf

1.52.对口三叶terminal facing three-leaf
叶茶类是等”顶芽terminal bud”不再抽长,而成”驻芽inert bud” 时 ,顶端成”对口叶terminal  facing-leaf” 的时候才采。依嫩度分成”对口二叶terminal facing two-leaf”、”对口三叶terminal facing three-leaf”等等。


1.54.茶小绿叶蝉tea leafhopper

1.55.熟果加蜂蜜之风味.ripe fruit and honey flavor
茶青若经一种昆虫insects”叫”茶小绿叶蝉tea leafhopper” 的叮过,制成的白毫乌龙容易有”熟果加蜂蜜之风味ripe fruit and honey flavor”。

1.56.茶青采摘品质harvest quality

1.57.采青气候harvest climate

1.58.采青时辰harvest time

1.59.昆虫叮咬之判断insect bitten determination
茶青采摘的适宜”季节season”、适当”气候climate” 、适当”时辰time” ,以及昆虫叮咬之判断insect bitten determination”等都属茶青采摘品质harvest quality”的范围,皆影响成茶的质量。

1.60.制茶tea making

1.61.原料raw material




1.65.制造技术production technique
制茶tea making”包括原料raw material”、气候climate”、技术technique”等所谓天地人heaven-earth-mankind”三大因素。其中的制造技术production technique”是影响茶叶质量的最大因素。

1.66.绒毛 fine hair

1.67.白毫white fuzz

1.68.毫显exposed fuzz

1.69.毫隐unexposed fuzz
芽心常带有”绒毛fine hair” ,”成茶tea product”就显现”白毫white fuzz”。但依制茶的方式,又有”毫显exposed fuzz”与”毫隐unexposed fuzz”之分。


1.71.水孔water pore (hydathode)

1.72.气孔air pore (stoma/stomata)

1.73.走水moisture evaporation

1.74.晒干sun drying

萎凋withering”是让茶青的水分依自体的生理系统,经由”水孔water pore”与”气孔” air pore”向外蒸发,有人称它为”走水moisture evaporation”。此与快速”晒干sun-parched”不同,快速晒干会让茶青来不及发酵而成”死叶dead-leaf”。


1.77.搅拌浪青” tossing

1.78.作青lay leaf includes setting and tossing”
静置setting是让茶青放着不动,使其消失一部分水分即走水”;搅拌浪青” tossing是翻动茶青,使水分消失平均,且因茶青的相互磨擦促进发酵。这两项动作交互进行,合称 “作青lay leaf”。






1.84.揉破叶细胞crumpling leaf cells


1.86.塑造茶叶不同风味create different characters of tea
揉捻有三大功用:一是”揉破叶细胞crumpling leaf cells” ,以利冲泡。二是”成形shaping” ,将茶叶揉成卷曲状,以利保存。三是透过揉捻的轻重”塑造茶叶不同风味create different characters of tea” 。


1.88.炒青stir fixation

1.89.锅炒pan fixation

1.90.滚筒式杀青机roller fixation machine
“炒青stir fixation”是杀青的一种方式,传统是用”锅炒pan fixation” ,现代化是用”滚筒式杀青机roller fixation machine”。

1.91.蒸青steam fixation

1.92.烫青blanch fixation

1.93.烘青hot air fixation

1.94.晒青sun fixation
“蒸青steam fixation”是用蒸气杀青,”烫青blanch fixation”是用沸水杀青,”烘青hot air fixation”是用热风杀青,”晒青sun fixation”是用阳光杀青。

1.95.日光萎凋sun withering

1.96.室内萎凋indoor withering

1.97.热风萎凋hot air withering
“日光萎凋sun withering”是利用室外的光与热进行萎凋,”室内萎凋indoor withering”是在室内进行萎凋。阴雨天可以使用”热风萎凋hot air withering”代替日光萎凋,并补足室内萎凋之不足。

1.98.晾青fresh leaf airing
将茶青表面的露水或雨珠阴干的过程称为”晾青 airing”。

1.99.轻揉light rolling

1.100.重揉heavy rolling
“轻揉light rolling”与”重揉heavy rolling”是指揉捻时所施压力的大小与时间的长短。


1.102.炒干stir drying

1.103.烘干hot air drying

1.104.晒干sun drying
有些茶的”干燥drying”是在锅子里”炒干stir drying” ,有的是用热风”烘干hot air drying” ,有的是用太阳”晒干sun drying”。


1.106.黄茶yellow tea

1.107.白毫银针White Tip Silver Needle

1.108.白牡丹White Peony

1.109.寿眉Long Brow
如果在”干燥”前后增加”闷黄sweltering”的制程,就会形成”黄茶yellow tea”。

1.110.不萎凋不发酵no withering-no fermentation

1.111.轻萎凋轻发酵light withering-light fermentation

1.112.中萎凋中发酵medium withering-medium fermentation

1.113.重萎凋重发酵heavy withering-heavy fermentation

1.114.重萎凋轻发酵heavy withering-light fermentation

1.115.重萎凋全发酵heavy withering-complete fermentation
依萎凋与发酵的轻重,可将茶叶分成”不萎凋不发酵no withering-no fermentation”、”轻萎凋轻发酵light withering-light fermentation”、”中萎凋中发酵medium withering-medium fermentation”、”重萎凋重发酵heavy withering-heavy fermentation”、”重萎凋轻发酵heavy withering-light fermentation”、”重萎凋全发酵heavy withering-complete fermentation”等不同的制法。

1.116.失水excessive evaporation

1.117.积水insufficient evaporation
萎凋时水分消失得太快 ,来不及适当的发酵就得杀青 ,称为失水excessive evaporation” 。相反的 , 水分消失得太慢 ,叶子四周都已发酵变红 ,里面却还未达到适当的消水程度 ,称为积水insufficient evaporation”。

1.118.绿中带黄yellow green
炒青绿茶是”绿中带黄yellowish green”的汤色。

1.119.人工化风味processed flavor
发酵愈重,”人工化风味processed flavor”愈重。

1.120.条状twist shape

1.121.半球状loose pellet shape

1.122.全球状pellet shape
轻揉捻后的茶成”条状twist shape” ,中揉捻后的茶成”半球状loose pellet shape” ,重揉捻后的茶成”全球状pellet shape”。

1.123.布揉cloth rolling
用布将一些茶包成球状进行揉捻的方式称为”布揉cloth rolling”。

1.124.轻揉捻light rolling

1.125.中揉捻medium rolling

1.126.重揉捻heavy rolling
揉捻分为”轻揉捻light rolling”、”中揉捻medium rolling”、”重揉捻heavy rolling”。

1.127.线型压揉straight-flat rolling

1.128.针状滚揉needle rolling

1.129.螺旋揉circular rolling

1.130.圆滾揉round rolling

1.131.球状揉ball rolling
因揉捻的使力方向不同,可分为”线型压揉straight-flat rolling”、”针状滚揉needle rolling”、”螺旋揉circular rolling”、圆滾揉round rolling、”球状揉ball rolling”等。

1.132.边揉边焙multiple rolling-roasting
有一种重揉捻的方法是”边揉边焙multiple rolling-roasting”。

1.133.清扬light taste

1.134.低沉heavy taste
轻揉捻的茶, 茶性比较”清扬light taste”; 重揉捻的茶, 茶性比较”低沉heavy taste”。

1.135.熟香ripe scent
将成品茶施以温度、时间不等的烘焙,饮用时会有股熟香ripe scent。

1.136.高香rich fragrance

1.137.低频的糖香deep notes of candy scent

1.138.高频的熟果香sharp notes of ripe fruit scent
日光萎凋可以造就出部分发酵茶”高香rich fragrance”的特质。不经日光萎凋的”重萎凋全发酵”可以造就出红茶”低频的糖香deep notes of candy scent” 。相反的,经日光萎凋的”重萎凋重发酵”可以造就出如”白毫乌龙”高频的熟果香sharp notes of ripe fruit scent”。

1.139.菜香型vegetal scent type
不发酵茶是属”菜香型vegetal scent type”的茶叶。

1.140.花香型floral scent type
轻发酵茶是属”花香型floral scent type”的茶叶。

1.141.坚果香型nutty scent type
中发酵茶通常会焙点火而呈”坚果香型nutty scent type”。

1.142.熟果香型ripe fruit scent type
重发酵茶是属”熟果香型ripe fruit scent type”的茶叶。

1.143.糖香型candy scent type
全发酵茶是属”糖香型candy scent type”的茶叶。

1.144.接近自然植物的风味near plant flavor

1.145.远离自然植物的风味far from plant flavor
发酵愈少的茶愈”接近自然植物的风味near plant flavor”;发酵愈多,离自然植物的风味愈远far from plant flavor”。

1.146.低温干燥法ambient drying

1.147.碾茶flake tea
有些茶讲究颜色的翠绿,干燥时会选用”低温干燥法ambient drying” ,如成茶后将继续研磨成末茶的”碾茶flake tea”即使用此法。

1.148.高山茶Alpine Tea (High Mountain Oolong)
“地理环境geographic environment”直接影响茶青的质量,海拔高一点是植茶的好地方,这样制成的茶称为”高山茶Alpine Tea”。

1.149.四大茶类The Four Tea Types
市场上将茶简分为”四大茶类The Four Tea Types  “,即将”全发酵茶fully fermented tea”统称为「红茶」 Black Tea ,将”后发酵茶post-fermented tea”统称为「普洱茶」 Puerh Tea ,将部分发酵茶partially fermented tea”统称为「乌龙茶」 Oolong Tea ,将不发酵茶non-fermented tea”统称为「绿茶」 Green Tea 。

1.150.扁平状press-flat shape

1.151.针状needle shape
揉捻时直线来回压揉, 若使茶青滑动,即造就成”扁平状press-flat shape”的茶, 若使茶青滚动,即造就成”针状needle shape”的茶。

1.151.片状flat shape

1.152.芽状tip shape
揉捻时若只是轻轻拨动一下,对于叶片型的茶而言即形成”片状flat shape”的茶,对于芽心形的茶而言即形成”芽状tip shape”的茶。



1.155.珠状pearl shape
揉捻时若将茶叶”卷curl”成一团 , 而不是”揉roll”成一团 , 那造就成的茶就叫”珠状pearl shape”。

1.156.体积大小volume size



1.159.细条thin strip

1.160.松卷loose curled

1.161.条状twist shape


1.163.粗松course and loose
同样重量的茶叶,其”体积大小volume size”可分成”坚实 tight “、”密实 compact “、”细条 thin strip “、”松卷 loose curled “、”条状 twist “、”蓬松 puffy “、”粗松 course and loose “等七个等级。

1.164.紧结度 tightness degree

1.165.粒状granular shape

1.166.球状ball shape

1.167.紧块状block piece shape

1.168.细角状fanning shape

1.169.碎片状broken leaf shape

1.170.圆条状twist needle shape

1.171.松块状loose block shape

1.172.卷曲状curl shape

1.173.剑片状sword shape

1.174.自然条状natural twist shape

1.175.自然弯曲natural curve shape

1.176.自然片状natural flat shape
茶叶的外形, 从”紧结程度tightness degree”的高低可分成”粒状 granular “、”球状 ball shape “、”紧块状 block piece “、”细角状 flake “、”碎片状 chip piece “、”圆条状 twist needle shape “、”松块状 loose block shape “、”卷曲状 curl shape “、”剑片状 sword shape “、”自然条状 natural twist shape “、”自然弯曲natural curve shape “、”自然片状 natural flat shape “。

1.177.条索紧结程度leaf twist tightness

1.178.茶叶老嫩leaf tenderness
“条索紧结程度 leaf twist tightness “与”茶叶老嫩 leaf tenderness “最为有关。

1.179.成茶外形大小product leaf size

1.180.采摘成熟度 plucking tenderness

1.181.破碎程度crumbling degree
茶叶”成茶外形大小product leaf size “受先天品种、季节、营养、树龄与”采摘成熟度 plucking tenderness “之影响。也因制成后”破碎程度 crumbling degree “而有别。

1.182.紧压茶compressed tea

1.183.散形茶loose tea
紧压成块状的茶称为”紧压茶compressed tea” ,未经紧压的茶称为”散形茶loose tea”。

1.184.依采制季节而做的分类classify by harvest season

1.185.春茶spring tea

1.186.夏茶summer tea

1.187.秋茶autumn tea

1.188.冬茶winter tea
“依采制季节而做的分类classify by harvest season” ,可将茶叶分成”春茶Spring tea”、”夏茶Summer tea”、”秋茶Autumn tea”与”冬茶Winter tea”。


1.190.清明节Ching Ming Festival( Apr. 4-6)

1.191.明前茶Pre-Ching Ming Tea

1.192.谷雨Grain Rain (Apr.19-21)

1.193.谷雨茶Grain Rain Tea
若依”节气period “而分,春茶尚可分成三个阶段,第一阶段是”清明节Ching Ming Day”以前采制的芽茶类,俗称”明前茶Pre-Ching Ming Tea” 。第二阶段是清明节以后采制的较为早采的叶茶类。第三阶段是”谷雨Grain Rain”以后采制成熟度较高的叶茶类,俗称”谷雨茶Grain Rain Tea”。

1.194.发酵程度degree of fermentation

1.195.茶干色泽dry tea color

1.196.绿茶green tea、1.197.黄茶yellow tea、1.198.黑茶dark tea、1.199.白茶white tea、1.200.青茶celadon tea、1.201.红茶black tea
将茶分成绿茶、黄茶、黑茶、白茶、青茶、红茶等六类是依”发酵程度degree of fermentation”与”茶干色泽dry tea color”而做的分类。

*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones (2756)

第十一章-茶诗与健康Chapter Eleven-Tea Poetry and Health-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文”茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

(2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5)

第十一章-茶诗与健康Chapter Eleven-Tea Poetry and Health

一.茶诗 Poetry

11.1..六羡歌  陆羽  (唐. 733~804)




Six Admirations

I do not thirst for gold cups.

Nor thirst for white jade bowls.

Nor for morning thirst of high office.

Nor for evening thirst of high rank.

What I long and long for is the water flowing into Jingling.

—Lu, Yu  (Tang. 733~804)

11.2..秘色越窖诗  陆龟蒙  (宋. ~881)



Mystical Color in Yue Kiln

The misty scenery of late autumn appears when the Yue kilns are open、

the thousand peaks have been despoiled of their bright color for the decoration

of the bowls.

Let us take them out at midnight to collect the falling dew、

or fill up the cups in emulation of Jizhongsan.

—Lu, Guimeng (Song. ~881)

11.3.七碗诗  卢同  (唐. 790~835)









Lu Tong’s Seven Bowls of Tea

The first bowl moistens my lips and throat;

The second bowl breaks my loneliness;

The third bowl searches my barren entrails but to find

therein some five thousand scrolls;

The fourth bowl raises a slight perspiration

and all life’s inequities pass out through my pores;

The fifth bowl purifies my flesh and bones;

The sixth bowl calls me to the immortals.

The seventh bowl could not be drank、 only the breath of the cool wind raises in my sleeves.

Where is Penglai Island、 Yuchuanzi wishes to ride on this sweet breeze and go back.

— Lu, Tong (Tang. 790~835)

11.4.寒夜  杜小山  (宋. ~1240)



Cold Night

No wine for callers、 but tea is the cold night blessing、

The coals are starting to glow、 the water answers by bubbling on the bamboo stove.

The same moon in the window、 but it is different just to have the plum blossoms.

—Du、 Xiaoshan (Song. ~1249)

11.5.游诸佛舍,一日饮酽茶七盏,戏书勤师壁  苏轼(宋. 1037~1101)


Around the Temple, Drinking Seven Bowls of Tea, and Writing on the Walls

……Why swallow Emperor Wei’s pill,

when we can drink Lu Tong’s seven bowls of tea.

—Su, Shi (Su DongPo) (Song. 1037~1101)

11.6.山泉煎茶有怀  白居易 (唐. 772~846)



Reflections on Spring Water and Tea

Scoop cool water、 watching the tea boil.

Offering a bowl of tea、 to the tea lover without reason.

—Bai, Juyi (Tang. 772 ~ 846)

11.7.饮茶歌诮崔石使君  皎然 (唐.720~800)



一饮涤昏寐,情思爽朗满天地, —-







A friend from Yueh presented me with San River tea.

For which I chose a golden cauldron to boil the golden pecko.

A snow white bowl with its green bright froth and fragrance.

Was it just like the nectar of the Immortals?

The first bowl washed the cobwebs from my mind、 my perceptions turned bright

and clear.

A second cleansed my spirit like purifying showers of rain.

A third and I have obtained the Way、 what need now for austerities to purge our perplexities. It is of great spirit but unknown by most、 worldly people by going in for wine sadly deceive themselves.

Who knows the Way of Tea is really true、 just Danqui could find it.

—Jiaoran (Tang. 720~800)

11.8.茶的情诗  张错


你是茶叶 ,














把持不定 ,




在我最深处 。


你最苦的一滴泪 ,



Love Poems of Tea

If I、 the boiling water、

And you、 the tea;

Then your fragrance

Has to depend solely upon my plainness.

Let your dryness inside me

Softly uncoil and stretch;

Let me dissolve

Imperceptibly、 your tension.

I have to be hot、 even boiled

Before we consume each other;

We have to hide、 see and hold

each other in water

to decide a tea color.

No matter how capriciously

you drift;

Gradually and slowly

O’ gently”

You will into me submerge–


by that moment

the most bitter tear of yours

will become a best sip

of my fragrance.

—Cheung, Dominic Chang、 Ts’o ( Los Angeles, California, America)

二.茶与健康 Health


茶中含有”氟fluoride”, 在茶汤中的含量约为1ppm, 是很适合防止蛀牙的含量.


11.11.茶多酚tea polyphenols


11.13.自由基free radicals

茶中”儿茶素catechins” 是”茶多酚tea polyphenols”的主要成分,含量占干物重的10~30﹪,占茶水可溶物的40~50﹪,为茶汤中的主要保健物质,具有”抗氧化antioxidant”与清除体内”自由基free radicals”的功用。






茶中含有类胡萝蔔素、维生素E、维生素B群与维生素 C等,前二项不溶于水,必须以擂茶、点茶的方式饮用才能获得。

11.17. E G C G epigallocatechin gallate

1118..降低血脂reduce blood fat.

11.19.预防高血压prevent high blood pressure

茶中的E G C G儿茶素有”降低血脂reduce blood fat”的功效,茶中的鉀可促进血钠的排除,可”预防高血压prevent high blood pressure”。

11.20.降血糖reduce blood sugar

茶中的E G C G儿茶素及杂链多糖类化合物,都具有明显的降血糖功能,能预防糖尿病。



11.22.抗癌resist cancer

茶中儿茶素类化合物不但对”癌细胞”具有抑制”引发”的作用,而且具有抑制”促发”的作用,这些现象证明了茶的”抗癌resist cancer”效用。

11.23.陶冶心性cultivate one’s character

心态的安祥与愉悦是促进健康很重要的因素,喝茶,不论是独自品饮还是大家一起举办茶会,都可以”陶冶心性cultivate one’s character”,达到心态安祥与愉悦的境界。

*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones



第十二章-茶学综论 Chapter Twelve-Tea Studies Synthesis-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

中英文“茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

第十二章-茶学综论 Chapter Twelve-Tea Studies Synthesis

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor


第十二章-茶学综论 Chapter Twelve-Tea Studies Synthesis

一.茶道内涵图解Tea Lore Connotation Diagram




12.1.茶道内涵Tea Lore Connotation

12.2.第1圈:茶道载体1st Circle:Tea Lore Medium



00.0.茶汤Tea Liquid

00.0.泡茶Tea Brewing

00.0.茶器Tea Utensils

12.4.奉茶Tea Serving

00.0.品饮Tea Savoring

12.5.茶食Tea Cuisine


12.7.第2圈:茶道平台2nd Circle: Tea Lore Platform

12.8.茶法Brewing Methodology

12.9.茶会Tea Functions

12.10.第3圈:茶道内涵3rd Circle :Tea Lore Connotation

12.11.美感Beauty Notion

12.12.艺术The Arts



12.15.第4圈:茶道特质4th Circle :Tea Lore Characteristics

12.16.审美Beauty Appreciation


12.18.空寂Quiet and Desolate

12.19.精俭Simple and Exquisite






12.25.第5圈:茶道素养5th Circle :Tea Lore Accomplishments









12.34.哲学、宗教      Philosophy, Religion






12.40.香道  Incense Lore


12.42.花道Flower Arrangement

12.43.识茶Tea Recognizing

12.44.制茶Tea Making


二.茶叶沖泡与茶汤内涵Tea Infusion and Tea Liquid Connotation Diagram



12.45.第1圈:茶汤色香味的内涵 1st Circle: Tea liquid Color-Scent-Taste Connotation

00.00.茶 汤 Tea Liquid

12.46.色相 Hue

12.47.明度  Brightness



12.50.香型 Scent Type

12.51.强度 Strength Degree

12.52.持续度 Flavor Endurance

12.53.香性 Scent Character

00.00.茶性 Tea Character

12.54.调和度 Harmonious Degree

00.00.稠度 Richness

00.00.强度  Strength

12.55.第2圈:泡茶五要素5-Keys of Brewing

00.00.水温 Temperature

00.00.茶水比例Tea to Water Ratio


12.56.冲泡器Tea Brewing Vessel

12.57.水质 Water Quality

12.58.第3圈:影响茶叶浸泡时间的因素 Factors Affecting Tea Steeping Time


Water substances soluble speed(one of the Inner Factors)

00.00.茶叶完整度  Tea Leaf Integrity Degree

00.00.枝叶连理情形 Stem and Leaf Joint Condition

00.00.叶形大小 Leaf Shape Size

00.00.芽型或叶型Tip Type or Leaf Type

00.00.茶青成熟度Tea Harvest Maturity Degree

00.00.外形紧结度Tea Shape Tightness

00.00.条索紧结度Leaf Twist-Tightness

00.00.发酵程度Fermentation Degree

00.00.萎凋程度 Withering Degree

00.00.揉捻程度 Rolling Degree

00.00.焙火程度Roasting Degree

12.60.陈放年份 Storing Time

12.61.渥堆情形 Piling Condition

00.00.虫咬情形 Insect Bitten Condition

12.62.水可溶物多寡(内在因素 之二)

Water substances  amount(another Inner Factors)

00.00.焙火程度Roasting Degree

00.00.发酵程度 Fermentation Degree

12.63.茶青质量Fresh Leaf Quality

12.64.外在因素Outer Factors

00.00.茶量 Tea Amount


12.65.水质 Water Quality

12.66.冲泡器材质Brew Vessel Material

00.00.倒干程度 Drain Drying Degree

00.00.每泡间隔时间 Every Brew Interim Time

12.67.前一泡的浓度Previous Brew Strength











三.茶法与茶会类型图解Tea Methodology and Tea Functions Diagram



00.00.第1圈:十大泡茶法1st Circle: The Ten Tea Methods

12.68.泡茶法Tea Brewing Methodology

00.00.小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Method

00.00.盖碗茶法Cover Bowl Tea Method

00.00.大桶茶法Large Capacity Tea Method

00.00.浓缩茶法Concentrated Tea Method

00.00.含叶茶法Nonstrained Tea Method

00.00.旅行茶法Travel Tea Method

00.00.抹茶法Whisking Tea Method

00.00.煮茶法Boiling Tea Method

00.00.冷泡茶法Cold Tea Method

00.00.泡沫茶法Foam Tea Method



2nd and 3rd Circle: Classified by the Tea Function Style, and Examples

12.70.茶会类型 Tea Function Type

12.71.茶席式 Tea Site Style

12.72.桌上茶席 Table Tea Site

12.73.席地茶席 Ground Tea Site

12.74.榻榻米茶席Tatami Tea Site

12.75.宴会式 Banquet Tea Style

12.76.茶席个别供茶式 Tea Site Supplying Tea Individually

12.77.统一供茶式 Supplying Tea Centralized

12.78.流觞式Floating Cup Style

12.79.曲水茶宴 Winding Creek Tea Gathering

12.80.环列式 Circle Tea Style

00.00.无我茶会Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

12.81.礼仪式Etiquette Style

12.82.四序茶会Perennial Tea Ceremony

12.83.献茶礼Offer Tea Ritual

12.84.寺院茶礼 Temple Tea Ceremony



4th Circle: Classified by the Tea Function Purpose

12.86.为茶道  For Teaism

12.87.为庆祝 For Celebrating

12.88.为追思 For Remembrance

12.89.为游兴 For Leisure

12.90.为社交 For Socializing

12.91.为仪轨For Rites



















四.无我茶会要义图解Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Connotation Diagram


12.92.第1圈:茶会队形 1st Circle: Tea Function Formation

12.93.围成圆圈泡茶gather to form a circle to brew tea


00.00.第2圈:特殊做法 2nd Circle: The special way

00.00.抽签决定座次Drawing Lots for Seating

00.00.茶具自备泡法不拘prepare tea ware and not confined to any brewing manner

00.00.单边奉茶same direction tea serving

00.00.茶叶自备种类不拘 Prepare tea leaf of any kind

00.00.品饮自己与别人的茶汤 Drink one’s own and others tea liquid

00.00.依公告事项行事无需指挥 Follow Public Announcement no need for a director

00.00.泡茶席间不语Remain silent during brewing


00.00.第3圈:七大精神 3rd Circle: The Seven Principles

00.00.无尊卑之分No matter to social status

00.00.无流派与地域之分No distinction of school or region

00.00.无报偿之心No reward is expected

00.00.无好恶之心No bias

00.00.求精进之心Concentrate and  improve

00.00.遵守公共约定Everyone follows the public announcement

00.00.体现群体律动之美Express group rhythm and harmony


12.94.第4圈:衍生意义 4th Circle: Derivative Significance

00.00.随遇而安Feel at ease under all circumstances

12.95.信任 Trust

00.00.无所为而为Actions without intentions

12.96.不排斥新事物Don’t rule out new things


12.98.清和 Pure and peace

00.00.培养默契cultivate tacit understanding


12.99.第5圈:积极作为 5th Circle: Positive Action

12.100.〝茶席设置〞、〝与会心情〞以精简为原则 “Tea Site Setup”, “Participation Mood” use   simple and exquisite principles

12.101.将选定的茶席与泡法做得是自己当时的最好Tea site and tea method once selected  do it         best

12.102.有人围观时行〝对外奉茶〞If there are spectators have “spectator serving”

12.103.携带乐与大家分享的茶具与茶叶 Bring tea ware and tea that others will enjoy

12.104.茶会名称不涉广告  Tea function name can not involve advertising

12.105.会后不交换茶具以为纪念 After tea function exchanging tea ware is not  expectable

12.106.不要因自己的表现令与会者感到不悦 Do not let participants become displeased because of      one’s behavior

12.107.理解无中生有、有无交替的意义 Comprehending ‘being’ comes from ’emptiness’, and being      and emptiness is circulation





五.茶文化与茶学图解Tea Culture and Tea Studies Diagram






六.茶文化与茶学图解Tea Culture and Tea Studies Diagram

12.108.茶文化 Tea Culture

12.109.茶學 Tea Studies


12.110.茶道Tea Lore

12.111.茶道載体Tea Lore Medium

12.112.茶道平台   Tea Platform

12.113.茶道內涵Tea Lore Connotation

12.114.茶道特質Tea Lore Characteristics

12.115.茶道素养Tea Lore Accomplishments


12.116.茶歷史Tea History

12.117.產業史Industrial History

12.118.生活史Life History

12.119.茶藝史Tea Arts History

12.120.思想史Ideology History


12.121.茶生活 Tea and Life

12.122.民生 Life

12.123.禮俗 Customs

12.124.醫藥 Medicine


12.125.茶推廣 Tea Promotion

12.126.語文 Languages

12.127.廣告 Advertising

12.128.宣傳 Publicity



12.130.茶產業Tea Industry



12.133.行銷   Marketing

12.134.政經 Politics

12.135.茶文化乃偏重内涵而言 Tea Culture emphasizes its connotation

12.136.茶学乃偏重课程而言Tea Studies emphasizes learning



















七.茶学书库分类索引Tea Studies Library Classification and Index



1st Order Code


1st Order Classification


2nd Order Code and Classification

B 茶思想

Tea Ideology

B1. 茶思综述

Tea Ideology Synthesis


Including collection of works

B2. 茶哲

Tea Philosophy

含道德. 思维

Including morality and thinking

B3. 茶与宗教

Religious studies

B4. 茶美学

Tea Aesthetics

D 茶政策

Tea Policies

D1. 茶政经军

Tea Politics , Economy, and Military


Such as tea-horse Policy, tea taxes

D2. 茶法规

Tea Laws and Regulations






Tea Economics


F1. 茶经济综述

Tea Economics Synthesis

F2. 茶行销

Tea Marketing


Including sales route

F3. 茶餐饮

Tea Restaurant

F4. 茶广告

Tea Advertising

F5. 茶包装

Tea Packaging


Including tea leaf and tea utensils




Tea Culture

G1. 茶文化学

Tea Culture Studies


And other “Z.1.Tea Studies Synthesis ”

G2. 茶文化比较

Tea Culture Comparison


Including  kind and region comparison,  Country’s Tea brewing methods belong  to ‘L2.Tea Brewing’

G3. 文化茶集

Tea Culture Collection of Works


Present tea culture classification and collected works

G4. 文化茶址

Region of  Tea Culture

G5. 茶教育

Tea Studies Education


Including promotion

H 茶译文

Tea Translation

H1. 茶英译

Tea English Translation


Only tea terminology translation, translated version belong s to their order

H2. 茶日译

Tea Japanese Translation

H3. 他语茶译

Other Language Tea Translation

I 茶文学

Tea Literature



Tea Literature Synthesis


Tea Poetry




Other Tea Literature


including tea related works





Tea Arts



Tea and Fine Arts


including music, and ceramics


Tea Savoring


Including tea recognition, food and beverage, and related foods


Tea Ambience


Floral Arrangement and Stone Appreciation

插花、石艺、挂物floral arranging, stone appreciation, hanging Art
J5.香道Incense Lore  
K 茶史地

Tea History and Geographical Characteristics


Tea History and Matters


including organization history


Tea Growing Region


Tea Books and Tea Man


Tea Customs

K5.茶史期刊Tea History Periodicals  
L 泡茶法

Tea Brewing Method


Tea Brewing Synthesis


Tea Brewing



including water


Tea Beverage


including coffee and non-teas

M 茶会

Tea Function




Tea Function Synthesis



Tea Ceremony

O 茶化学

Tea Chemistry

O1. 茶化学

Tea Chemistry

R 茶保健

Tea and Health



Tea Health Synthesis




Tea Health Care


including folk prescriptions


Tea Medicine


Tea Health  Periodicals




Tea Agriculture



Tea Production  Synthesis




Tea Varieties




Tea Cultivation



Including soil fertilizer, plant diseases and insect pests, and related crops


Tea Plantation Machinery


Tea Plantation Sustainable Agriculture


such as organic tea(including added processing), and ecology,


Tea  Periodicals



primarily for tea growing and making,











Tea Industry








Tea Making Synthesis

与‘茶作’ 同述时归’S1.茶作综述’.

if including tea growing, belongs to ‘S1.tea production  synthesis’


Tea Primary Processing


including non-teas


Tea Factory Machinery


Tea Inspection


including tasting, inspecting, and Standardizing


Tea Advance Added Processing


including tea multiple application

W 茶器

Tea Utensils


Tea Utensils Decorative Items


including admirations


Tea Pottery Manufacturing


including history


Tea Utensils Periodicals

Y 茶食

Tea Foods


Tea Foods Synthesis


Tea Snacks


Tea Cuisine


Tea Foods Periodicals




Including Review






Tea Studies Synthesis


仅局部综述者、归入所属类别.含茶百科 part of synthesis will belong to their orders.  Including tea wikipedia

Tea Studies Collection of Works


Tea Dictionaries


Including general and special subjects

Z4. 茶综合期刊

Tea Comprehensive Periodicals


*说明 : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones (2218)

第九章-中国茶史Chapter Nine-Chinese Tea History-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文“茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

(2010.02 台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5)

第九章-中国茶史Chapter Nine-Chinese Tea History

9.1.贡茶 Tribute Tea

9.2.长兴紫笋Changzing Shoot Tea

9.3.阳羡茶Yangyi Tea

9.4.蒙顶茶Mengding Tea

9.5.龙团凤饼Dragon and Phoenix Cake

中国古代帝王时代,民间有特好的茶都会进献给皇上,这些茶就叫作”贡茶 Tribute Tea”。如上述这些茶。

9.6.祁红Keemun Black

9.7.正山小种 Lapsang Souchong Smoke Black tea”

9.8.坦洋工夫Tanyang Gongfu

9.9.英德红茶Yingde Black Tea

9.10.滇红Dian Black


9.11.庐山云雾Lushan Mist

9.12.信阳毛尖Xinyang Tip

9.13.仙人掌茶Cactus Tea


瑞草魁King of the Lucky Grass

9.14.不夜侯 Sleepless Marquis

这些都是茶的文化性别名,”瑞草魁King of the Lucky Grass”是说茶为众草之王,”不夜侯Sleepless Marquis”是表明喝茶提神的功效。而且都是陆羽的称号。

9.15.曲水流觴  Winding Creek and Floating Cups

9.16.蘭亭Orchid Pavilion

9.17.陆羽Lu Yu

9.18.《茶经》”Tea Classic”


9.19.一之源One Origin

9.20.二之具Two Tools

9.21.三之造Three Making

9.22.四之器Four Utensils

9.23.五之煮Five Boiling

9.24.六之饮Six Drinking

9.25.七之事Seven History

9.26.八之出Eight Growing Regions

9.27.九之略Nine Simplify

9.28.十之图Ten Pictorialize

9.29.三卷十章Three Scrolls Ten Chapters

以上是陆羽《茶经 Tea Classic》”三卷十章Three Scrolls Ten Chapters”的每章内容。

9.30.审安老人Old Man Shen’an (Shenan)

9.31.茶具图赞Tea Ware Drawings and Praises

中国宋代审安老人Old Man Shen’an”写了一本《茶具图赞Tea Ware Drawings and Praises》,以拟人法的方式描述了当时12种常用的茶具。

9.32.宋徽宗Emperor Song Huizong

9.33.《大观茶论》” Da Guan Tea Treaties”

9.34.《文会图》”Literary Gathering”

中国宋代有位皇帝叫”徽宗Huizong”,不只绘有著名的《文会图Literary Gathering》,还写有一本《大观茶论 Da Guan Tea Treaties》。

9.35.煮茶boiling tea

9.36.点茶whisking tea

9.37.泡茶brewing tea

中国历代茶的饮用法是这样演变的:唐代的”煮茶boiling tea”、宋代的”点茶whisking tea”、明代以后的”泡茶brewing tea”。

9.38.砧椎crushing block


9.40.炭筥charcoal basket

9.41.炭檛charcoal mallet

9.42.火筴 fire chopsticks


9.44.交床cauldron stand

9.45.夹tea tongs

9.46.纸囊paper wallet

9.47.碾crushing roller

9.48.罗合sieve box

9.49.则tea holder

9.50.水方water vessel

9.51.漉水囊water filter bag

9.52.瓢gourd scooper

9.53.竹夹bamboo tongs

9.54.鹾簋salt container

9.55.熟盂boiled water vessel


9.57.畚bowl basket


9.59.涤方water basin

9.60.滓方spent tea basin

9.61.巾tea cloth

9.62.具列utensil table

9.63.都篮utensil basket

以上是陆羽《茶经 Tea Classic》上所介绍的茶器名称。

9.64.茶屋tea house

9.65.茶室tea room

9.66.茶庭tea garden

9.67.泡茶席tea setting

9.68.流理间 preparation room

9.69.茶席tea ceremony site

专用于茶道表达与活动进行的场所称为”茶屋tea room”,包括房子部分的”茶室tea house”与户外的”茶庭tea garden”。茶室内又有供作泡茶、饮茶的”泡茶席tea setting”与供作后勤的”流理间preparation room”。整个茶事进行的地方也可以称作”茶席tea ceremony site “。

9.70.品茗环境tea ambiance

9.71.茶会tea gathering

9.72.插花Floral Arrangement

9.73.香道Incense Arts

9.74.挂画Hanging Arts

“品茗环境tea ambiance”是举办茶会tea gathering的空间,经常会提到”插花Floral Arranging”、”香道Incense Lore”与”挂画Hanging Arts”。

9.75.依依不舍unwilling to part

9.76.一期一会once in a lifetime

每次”茶会tea gathering”结束的时候,总会让人觉得”依依不舍unwilling to part”,更让人深刻体会到”一期一会once in a lifetime”的意义。

9.77.泡茶师Tea Brewing Master

9.78.泡茶师检定考试Tea Brewing Master Certification Exam

泡茶师是对泡茶技艺的肯定,陆羽茶艺中心等单位都会定期举办”泡茶师检定考试Tea Brewing Master Certification Exam ”

*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones





第七章-茶具名称与功能 Chapter Seven-Tea Ware Types and Functionality-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文“茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

(2010.02 台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5)

第七章-茶具名称与功能 Chapter Seven-Tea Ware Types and Functionality

7.1.茶器tea ware

7.2.主泡器principle brewing ware

7.3.辅泡器auxiliary brewing ware

7.4.备水器water ware

7.5.储茶器tea container ware

7.6.泡茶席tea setting

茶器tea ware可大别为四大种类:”主泡器principle brewing ware”、”辅泡器auxiliary brewing ware”、”备水器water ware”、”储茶器tea container ware”。机能性地摆设在”泡茶席tea setting”上。

7.7.冲泡器brew ware

7.8.浸泡器steep ware

7.9.调搅器whisk ware

7.10.搅动式调搅器whisking mix ware

7.11.摇荡式调搅器shaking mix ware

泡茶用的”冲泡器 brew ware “分为原形茶的”浸泡器 steep ware “与粉末茶的”调搅器 whisk ware “。调搅器又分为”搅动式调搅器 whisk type ware “与”摇荡式调搅器 shake type ware”。

7.12.壶式浸泡器pot steep ware

7.13.杯式浸泡器cup steep ware

7.14.碗式浸泡器bowl steep ware

7.15.桶式浸泡器vat steep ware

浸泡器又分为”壶式浸泡器 pot steep ware “、”杯式浸泡器 cup steep ware “、”碗式浸泡器 bowl steep ware “与”桶式浸泡器 vat steep ware “。


7.17.同心杯infuser cup

7.18.个人品茗组personal tea set


7.20.壶垫tea pad

7.21.茶船tea boat

7.22.茶盅tea pitcher

7.23.盖置lid saucer

7.24.奉茶盘tea serving tray


7.26.杯托cup saucer

7.27.冲泡盅brewing vessel

7.28.盖碗cover bowl

7.29.茶碗tea bowl

7.30.有流茶碗spout bowl

7.31.奉茶小盖杯small lidded cup

主泡器principle brewing ware”包括上述诸多茶器。

7.32.渣匙tea spoon

7.33.茶筅tea whisk

7.34.茶巾盘tea towel tray

7.35.茶荷tea holder

7.36.茶巾tea towel

7.37.茶拂tea brush


辅泡器auxiliary brewing ware”包括上述各种茶器。

7.39.煮水器heating water ware

7.40.煮水器底座heating base

7.41.煮水water kettle

7.42.水盂tea basin


备水器water ware包括上述各种茶器。

7.44.茶罐tea canister

7.45.茶瓮tea urn

储茶器tea container ware”包括在茶席上使用的大小茶罐tea canister与大茶瓮tea urn

7.46.坐垫seat cushion

7.47.茶具袋tea ware bag

7.48.地衣ground pad

旅行用茶器tea ware  “包括上述这些茶具。

7.49.茶车tea cart

7.50.泡茶盘tea brewing tray

7.51.茶桌tea table

7.52.侧柜side table


7.53.壶盖teapot lid

8.54.压盖set lid

8.55.嵌盖inset lid

7.56.气孔air vent

7.57.盖纽lid knob

7.58.盖延lid insert

7.59.堰圈lid gallery  (容纳嵌盖的凹槽 )

“壶盖teapot lid”分成”压盖set lid”与”嵌盖inset lid”。壶盖上有”气孔air vent”,提取壶盖的地方叫”盖纽lid knob”,壶盖伸入壶内的部位叫”盖延lid insert”,容纳嵌盖的凹槽叫”堰圈lid gallery”。

7.60.壶口teapot opening

7.61.壶嘴spout opening

一把壶,冲水的地方叫”壶口teapot opening”,倒出水来的地方叫”壶嘴spout opening”。


7.63.水孔teapot drain

7.64.单孔hole drain

7.65.网孔mesh drain

7.66.蜂巢ball drain

7.67.滤网flat strainer

连接壶身与壶嘴的部位叫”壶流spout”,壶流与壶身相接的地方一定有”水孔teapot drain”。水孔有多种型式,如”单孔hole drain”、”网孔mesh drain”、”蜂巢ball drain”。遇到单孔式的水孔,可在水孔上加装一片”滤网flat strainer”。

7.68.平面滤网flat strainer

7.69.球型滤网ball strainer

不论是壶上本身或是外加的滤网flat strainer  “,都可分成平面滤网flat strainer 与球型滤网ball strainer

7.70.壶颈teapot neck

7.71.壶肩teapot shoulder

7.72.壶腹teapot body

7.73.壶底teapot bottom

壶身可有”壶颈teapot neck”、”壶肩teapot shoulder”、”壶腹teapot body”、”壶底teapot bottom”这几个部位。


7.75.壶足pot foot

7.76.底着flat bottom

壶底如果没有”圈足footed tea pot”或”壶足Three-legged tea pot”而直接以底部站立,这样的壶底叫做”底着flat bottom”。

7.77.杯形cup shape

7.78.深度cup depth

7.79.杯色cup color

“茶杯 teacup “影响到”茶汤欣赏”的因素有”杯形cup shape”、”深度cup depth”与”杯色cup color”。







7.85.好提easy to grip

“断水non-drip”、”滤渣strain”、”好提easy to grip”是茶壶很重要的三大基本功能。

7.86.内胆inside infuser


7.87.吸水率water absorption rate

陶磁器的”吸水率water absorption rate”很重要,吸水率太高的冲泡器不宜使用。

7.88.壶的保温能力teapot heat preservation capacity

壶之影响泡茶的效果在于”壶的保温能力”  teapot heat preservation capacity “,即壶的”散热速度heat dissipation rate”。”密度高high density”者、”胎身薄thin body”者散热速度快,即所谓之”保温效果heat preservation effect”差;”密度低low density”者、”胎身厚thick body”者散热速度慢,即所谓之保温效果好。


7.90.土色clay color

7.91.釉色glaze color


壶具因”材质material”、”土色clay color”、”釉色glaze color”、”形状shape”、造成各种不同的感受与泡茶效果。

7.93.壶把teapot handle

7.94.侧提壶back handle pot

7.95.横把壶side handle pot

7.96.飞天壶wing handle pot

7.97.提梁壶top handle pot

从”壶把teapot handle”的形式,可将壶分成”侧提壶back handle pot”、”横把壶side handle pot”、”飞天壶wing handle pot”与”提梁壶top handle pot”四大类。

7.98.圈顶式茶盅round wing tea pitcher

“圈顶式茶盅round wing tea pitcher”的拿法是从盅的圈顶拿取。

7.99.养壶teapot nurturing

将壶细心照顾、保养,称为”养壶teapot nurturing”。

7.100.壶艺Teapot Arts

以壶为主的茶器已形成一门独立的学科,称为”壶艺Teapot Arts”,有的学校开设有”茶陶”专业。


*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones




第六章-陶瓷艺术 Chapter Six-Ceramics Arts-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

2010.02 台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5

第六章-陶瓷艺术 Chapter Six-Ceramics Arts

6.1.陶瓷艺术家Ceramic Artist Potter”

以陶瓷为媒介的艺术家称为陶瓷艺术家Ceramic Artist 。

6.2.茶陶tea pottery

以茶具为主的陶瓷称为”茶陶” tea pottery”。






6.8.瓷器  china ware (china)

“陶瓷ceramic”器因胎土烧结程度的不同,从高到低分成”瓷porcelain”、”炻stoneware”、”陶earthenware”三大类。瓷器烧结程度最高,这种烧结的现象又被称作” 瓷化vitrification”。早期的瓷器被称为china ware。-

6.9.泥料clay body

6.10.泥料陈化clay aging

6.11.陈泥aged clay


将”泥料” clay body  “陈放一段长时间,如数年甚或数十年,称为”泥料陈化clay aging” ,陈化后的泥料称为”陈泥aged clay”。它在成形时的”可塑性plasticity”会增加,烧成的作品,其胎土的光泽度比较好。

6.13.紫砂泥sandy clay

6.14.紫砂purple sandy clay

6.15.朱泥red sandy clay

6.16.缎泥  段泥 ” beige sandy clay

陶瓷器的”泥料clay body”中有一类含较粗粒子的色土颇受人们喜爱,称为”紫砂泥sandy clay”。此类泥料还因烧成后的颜色分为”紫砂purple sandy clay”、”朱泥red sandy clay” 与”缎泥beige sandy clay”。


6.18.泥块clay lump

6.19.泥粉clay powder

注浆成形法所使用的泥料是”泥浆slip” ,拉坯成形法与泥片成形法所使用的泥料是”泥块clay lump” ,压铸成形法所使用的泥料是较干的泥块或”泥粉clay powder”。

6.20.泥矿clay ore

陶瓷器所使用的泥料是从地表或地底深处挖出来的”泥矿clay ore”精炼而成。

6.21.真空练泥de-air clay kneading

泥料开始制作器物前,要将土中的空气排除,以免烧窑时造成汽爆。有种叫”真空练泥de-air clay kneading”的机器。


6.23.土坯whitehard body

6.24.阴干air drying

6.25干坯whitehard body


泥料成形forming以后称为土坯body,阴干以后称为干坯whitehard body,可以入窑 kiln”烧制。

6.27.手捏成形法pinch method

6.28.注浆成形法slip-casting method

6.29.拉坯成形法hand throwing method

6.30.车坯成形法jiggering method

6.31.泥片成形法slab method

6.32.压铸成形法dry pressing method

6.33.拍身筒paddle method

6.34.镶身筒lute method

陶瓷器的成形方法有”手捏成形法pinch method”、”注浆成形法slip-casting method”、”拉坯成形法hand throwing method”、”车坯成形法jiggering method”、”泥片成形法slab method”、”压铸成形法dry pressing method”等。

泥片成形时,在中国宜兴地方常使用”拍身筒paddle method”与”镶身筒lute method”的方法。

6.35.高压注浆成形法pressure slip-casting method

注浆成形时,为使泥浆灌注到狭窄的边缘,常使用的方法是”高压注浆成形法pressure slip-casting method”。



陶瓷器可在”胎土body”上施以一层”釉glaze” ,这道工序称为”上釉glazing”。




6.40.透明釉transparent glaze

6.41.釉下彩绘underglaze painting


直接在土坯上彩绘,再覆上一层”透明釉transparent glaze” ,称为”釉下彩绘underglaze painting” ,或称为釉下彩underglaze  “。

6.43.釉上彩绘overglaze painting


6.45.彩烧decorating firing

上釉后将器物烧成,然后出窑,在釉的上面再行彩绘,称为”釉上彩绘overglaze painting” 或釉上彩overglaze   “,绘后当再进窑烧一次,称为彩烧decorating firing。

6.46.青瓷釉celadon glaze


有种能与瓷土一起高温烧成的青色釉称为”青瓷釉celadon glaze” ,施有这种釉药的瓷器也就被称作”青瓷celadon”。

6.48.青花彩绘underglaze blue decoration

6.49.青花underglaze blue

在胎土上绘上一种能与胎土一起高温烧成的蓝色系釉药,然后再覆盖上一层”透明釉” transparent glaze  “,一起进窑烧炼,这种彩绘称为”青花彩绘underglaze blue decoration” ,这种作品称为”青花underglaze blue”。

6.50.黑釉black glaze

6.51.天目釉Tienmu glaze  (Tenmoku glaze)

在胎土上施以一层”黑釉black glaze” ,这层黑釉经常起很多色彩上的变化。也被称为”天目釉tienmu glaze”。

6.52.祭红altar red glaze

6.53.铜红copper red glaze

6.54.窑变釉kiln altered glaze

6.55.钧窑釉Jun kiln glaze

大部分自然矿石调配成的釉药,烧成后都会起色彩上的变化,如红色系列的”祭红altar red glaze”、”铜红copper red glaze”。如果这种变化较为特殊,而且足以形成一种特殊的釉系,就被称为”窑变釉kiln altered glaze” ,如”钧窑釉Jun kiln glaze”。

6.56.结晶釉crystalline glaze

6.57.茶叶末tea-dust glaze

有些釉在烧制过程中会有结晶的现象,这种釉就被称为”结晶釉crystalline glaze”。如”茶叶末tea-dust glaze”就常是这种表现法。

6.58.娇黄釉tender yellow glaze

有种黄色釉表现得娇滴滴的感觉,而被称为”娇黄釉tender yellow glaze”。

6.59.开片釉crazed glaze

6.60.冰裂纹ice crackle

6.61.雪花snowflake crackle

有些釉在烧成后会陆续产生裂纹,但仅限于釉层,而且裂纹的形态也可在生产者的特意安排下产生如”冰裂纹ice crackle”、”雪花纹snowflake crackle”等的效果。这种烧制过程产生有趣裂纹的釉称为”开片釉crazed glaze”。

6.62.壶铭pot inscription

有些陶瓷器皿会在胎身上刻或写上有关的字句以为纪念或作为提示,这些有意义字句称为”壶铭pot inscription”。

6.63.素烧bisque firing

6.64.本烧final firing

陶瓷器在烧窑时可用低温预烧一次,以便胎身的修整加工,这样的预烧称为”素烧bisque firing”。然后再度进窑烧成,称为”本烧final firing”。当然也可以从土坯直接进行本烧。

6.65.烧结程度sintering degree

壶具之影响泡茶效果最主要的因素是胎土的”烧结程度sintering degree”,烧结程度愈高,壶身的”散热速度heat dissipation rate”就愈快,泡出茶汤的香味就愈高频。烧结程度愈低,壶身的”散热速度”就愈慢,泡出茶汤的香味就愈低频。

6.66.烧成温度firing temperature

6.67.高温烧结high temperature sintering

“烧成温度firing temperature”与烧结程度没有相对应的关系、但”高温烧结high temperature sintering”的陶瓷器是比较耐用的。

6.68.烧结温度sintering temperature

每一种泥料的最佳”烧结温度sintering temperature”是不一样的,在高温之下烧结的陶瓷器即为”高温烧结high temperature sintering”。




6.71.瓦斯窑gas kiln

6.72.柴窑wood kiln

6.73.电窑electric kiln

烧制陶瓷器的窑,因使用的燃料分成”瓦斯窑gas kiln”、”柴窑wood kiln”、”电窑electric kiln”等。

6.74.氧化焰oxidizing flame

6.75.氧化烧oxidation firing

烧窑时的火焰,若充分供给氧气,就称为”氧化焰oxidizing flame”,这样的烧窑法就称为”氧化烧oxidation firing”。

6.76.还原焰reducing flame

6.77.还原烧reduction firing

烧窑时的火焰,若设法使其缺氧,就称为”还原焰reducing flame”,这样的烧窑法就称为”还原烧reduction firing”。

6.78.收缩率shrinkage rate


陶瓷器从土坯到烧成,有或多或少的”收缩率shrinkage rate”,这极易造成陶瓷器在烧制时的”变形deformation”。

6.80.宜兴(江苏)Yixing (Jiangsu)

6.81.景德镇(江西)Jingdezhen (Jiangxi)

6.82.莺歌(台湾)Yingge (Taiwan)

6.83.陶都pottery capital

6.84.瓷都porcelain capital

中国江苏的”宜兴Yixing”是生产紫砂茶具、江西的”景德镇Jingdezhen”是生产瓷质茶具的著名”陶都pottery capital”与”瓷都porcelain capital”。台湾的”莺歌Yingge”则两样都生产。


*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones




第五章-十大泡茶法 Chapter Five-The Ten Tea Methods-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5

第五章-十大泡茶法 Chapter Five-The Ten Tea Methods

5.1.十大茶法The Ten Tea Methods:

5.2.小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Methodology

5.3.盖碗茶法Cover Bowl Tea Method

5.4.抹茶法Whisking Tea Method

5.5.浓缩茶法Concentrated Tea Method

5.6.大桶茶法Large Capacity Tea Method

5.7.含叶茶法Nonstrained Tea Method

5.8.旅行茶法Travel Tea Method

5.9.冷泡茶法Cold Tea Method

5.10.泡沬茶法Foam Tea Method

5.11.煮茶法Boiling Tea Method


日常应用的泡茶法不外上列十项,称为”十大茶法” The Ten Tea Methods”


5.12.陆羽小壶茶法24则Lu-Yu Small Pot Tea Laws: (24 Rules)

5.13.备具Prepare tea ware

5.14.从静态到动态from still to ready position

5.15.备水prepare water

5.16.温壶warm pot

5.17.备茶prepare tea

5.18.识茶recognize tea

5.19.赏茶appreciate tea

5.20.温盅warm pitcher

5.21.置茶put in tea

5.22.闻香smell fragrance

5.23.冲第一道茶first infusion


5.25.烫杯warm cups

5.26.倒茶pour tea

5.27.备杯prepare cups

5.28.分茶divide tea

5.29.端杯奉茶serve tea by cups

5.30.冲第二道茶second infusion

5.31.持盅奉茶serve tea by pitcher

5.32.茶食供应或品泉supply snacks or water

5.33.去渣take out brewed leaves

5.34.赏叶底appreciate leaves

5.35.涮壶rinse pot

5.36.归位return to seat

5.37.清盅rinse pitcher

5.38.收杯collect cups


由陆羽茶艺中心研发的小壶茶法称为”陆羽小壶茶法” ,其操作过程就如上述所列的”陆羽小壶茶法24则” Lu-Yu Small Pot Tea Laws”。


5.39.倒茶入荷pour tea into holder

5.40.拨茶入荷guide tea into holder


备茶时,紧实的茶使用”倒茶入荷pour tea into holder”的方式,蓬松的茶使用”拨茶入荷guide tea into holder”的方式。


5.41.从有法到无法from methodical to free form


泡茶是有”法”可以依循的,但慢慢地要”从有法到无法from methodical to free form”。


5.42.品泉savor water

5.43.品茶savor tea


5.44.空白之美beauty of white space


数道茶之间,我们常给客人一杯白开水,称为”品泉appreciate water” ,是茶道”空白之美beauty of white space”的应用。


5.45.司茶tea brewer

5.46.助手brewer assistant


在茶席上主持泡茶的人称为”司茶tea brewer” 。正式的茶会或人多的场合,可以搭配一位”助手brewer assistant”。


5.47.递壶法pot passing manner


将壶递给对方时,应将壶把置于对方的右手边,这是”递壶法pot passing manner”所要谈论的。




有些人泡茶时第一次冲水后很快就倒掉,称为”温润泡pre-brew” ,接着再冲水,才是第一道茶。温润泡是可以省略的,免得损失茶的成分。


5.49.平均分茶法equal liquid division


直接从泡茶的壶将茶汤分倒到数个杯子时,要使用”平均分茶法equal division”才能将茶汤的浓度分倒平均。


5.50.奉茶serve tea

5.51.请喝茶please have some tea


若是端杯”奉茶serve tea” ,要先说:”请喝茶please have some tea”。若是持盅奉茶,则先斟过茶再说:”请喝茶”。


5.52.冷泡法cold brewing


泡茶也可以使用冷水、称为「冷泡法」 cold brewing “。


5.53.功夫茶Gongfu Tea


功夫茶Gongfu Tea是流行于中国南方的一种小壺茶法。


5.54.持壶法teapot grip styles

5.55.单手提把点纽one hand pinch handle and touch knob grip

5.56.双手提把点纽two hand pinch handle and touch knob grip

5.57.双手穿把点纽two hand grasp handle and touch knob grip

5.58.飞天壶持壶法wing handle grip


“持壶法teapot grip styles”分为”单手提把点纽one hand pinch handle and touch knob grip”、”双手提把点纽two hand pinch handle and touch knob grip”、”双手穿把点纽two hand grasp handle and touch knob grip”与”飞天壶持壶法wing handle grip”多种。


5.59.提壶pot moving

5.60.持壶pot grips


“提壶pot moving manner”是在操作台上,将壶从甲地如茶船上”移到乙地如茶巾上”的手法;”持壶pot gripping manner”则是拿起壶来倒茶或倒水的手法。


5.61.泡沫茶foam tea (bubble tea)

5.62.泡沫红茶 foam black tea


“泡沫茶 foam tea “是调制后起泡沫的茶,”抹茶 fine powder tea”

是调制茶粉使成汤状的茶。”泡沫红茶 foam black tea “是属前者。




浓缩茶法concentrated brew method”、”大桶茶法large capacity brew method”与”含叶茶法non-strained brew method”都是有效控制茶汤浓度的泡茶法。


5.64.单次浸泡single brewing

5.65.多次浸泡multiple brewing


泡茶时之”浸泡时间”可有”单次浸泡 single brew “与”多次浸泡 multiple brew “之分。


0.00.小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Method

5.66.叶型茶leaf tea

5.67.粉末茶powder tea


“小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Methodology”是以小型壶具冲泡”叶型茶leaf tea”【非”末茶powder tea”】的方法与品饮方式。


5.68.点茶 whisking tea

5.69.泡茶 brewing tea


茶法的演进是先流行”点茶 whisking tea ” ,然后才流行”泡茶 brewing tea “。


5.70.摇荡式shaking style

5.71.搅动式whisking style

5.72.互冲式pulling style


“摇荡式 shaking style “、”搅动式 whisking style “与”互冲式 pulling style “是泡沫茶的三种造沫方法。


5.73.水可溶物充分溶解 water TDS dissolved completely


含叶茶法是控制在”水可溶物充分溶解 water TDS dissolved completely “后,茶汤恰是可口的浓度。


5.74.泡茶师tea master

5.75.泡茶师检定考试Tea Master Certification Exam


泡茶师 tea master  “制度在强调泡茶能力的重要性,陆羽茶艺中心等单位每年都定期举办”泡茶师检定考试 Tea Master Certification Exam”。

*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones (4438)

第四章-泡茶原理Chapter Four-Tea Brewing Principles-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5

第四章-泡茶原理Chapter Four-Tea Brewing Principles

4.1.与茶为友be friends with tea

泡茶的基本态度是”与茶为友be friends with tea”。

4.2.泡茶五要素5-Keys of Brewing

4.3.水温water temperature

4.4.水质water quality

4.5.茶水比例tea to water ratio  (g:cc)

4.6.时间infusion time

4.7.冲泡器brewing vessel

“水温water temperature”、 水质water quality 、”茶水比例tea to water ratio” 、时间infusion time 、”冲泡器brewing vessel”,是为”泡茶五要素5-Keys of Brewing”。

4.8.散热速度heat dissipation rate

4.9.密度高high density

4.10.胎身薄thin body

4.11.保温效果heat preservation effect

4.12.密度低low density

4.13.胎身厚 thick body

壶之影响泡茶效果,最主要的是壶的”散热速度heat dissipation rate” ,”密度高high density”者、”胎身薄thin body”者,散热速度快,即所谓之”保温效果heat preservation effect”差;”密度低low density”者,”胎身厚thick body”者,散热速度慢,即所谓之保温效果好。

4.14.水中矿物质含量dissolved mineral content

4.15.硬水hard water

4.16.软水soft water

若水中的”矿物质含量dissolved mineral content”太高,一般称为”硬水hard water” ,相反的,含量不高时,就称为”软水soft water”。软水才是泡茶良好的用水。

4.17.逆渗透净水法reverse osmosis water filtration

降低水中矿物质的含量,可以使用”逆渗透净水法reverse osmosis water filtration”。

4.18.逆渗透滤水器reverse osmosis water filter (RO water filter)

4.19.活性碳 active carbon

4.20.逆渗透滤水reverse osmosis (RO  water)

“逆渗透滤水器”RO water filter”可以降低水的硬度;”活性碳 active carbon “可以滤掉杂味与杂色。



0.00.活性碳active carbon

若水中含有”消毒药剂disinfectant” ,如”氯chlorine” ,可以使用”活性碳active carbon”将之滤掉。

4.23.水中空气含量 air solubility in water


“水中空气含量air solubility in water”高者,饮来口感较具”活性vibrant”。


4.26.含菌量bacteria quantity

水中的”杂质impurities”与”含菌量bacteria quantity”是越少越好。

4.27.余氯residual chlorine


4.29.危害健康的重金属harmful heavy metals

4.30.含菌量bacteria quantity

泡茶用水的矿物质总含量要低、而且不含”余氯 residual chlorine “等其他”杂味 off-flavor “。含”危害健康的重金属 harmful heavy metals “或”含菌量 bacteria quantity “太高也是不好的。

4.31.矿泉水mineral water

4.32.饮用水drinking water

市面上的”矿泉水mineral water”与”饮用水drinking water”若是矿物质含量低者,是可以用来泡茶的,若是矿物质含量高,只能作为饮用。

4.33.泉水spring water

“泉水spring water”是否适于泡茶,也是要依其矿物质、杂质、含菌量的多少而定。

4.34.导电度electric conductivity about 10ppm or less is good”

水中矿物质含量的多寡可以用”导电度electric conductivity”来表示、10度以内的软水是很适合泡茶的。

4.35.暂时硬水impermanent hard water

4.36.以煮沸的方法降低硬度reduce hardness by boiling

4.37.永久硬水permanent hard water

“暂时硬水 impermanent hard water “可”以煮沸的方法降低硬度 reduce hardness by boiling “、”永久硬水 permanent hard water “就不行了。

4.38.泉源深deep wellspring

“泉源深 deep wellspring “的泉水较不易受地面水的影响。

4.39.水温water temperature

4.40.低温low temperature 70°C~80°C

4.41.中温medium temperature 80°C~90°C

4.42.高温high temperature 90°C~100°C

泡茶的”水温water temperature”很重要,有些茶要用”低温low temperature 70°C~80°C “的水,有些茶要用”中温medium temperature 80°C~90°C”的水,有些茶要用”高温high temperature 90°C~100°C”的水。

4.43.茶叶主要成分在不同水温之下的溶解状况The dissolving parameters of tea leaf main ingredients in various water temperatures

泡茶时要注意”茶叶主要成分在不同水温之下的溶解状况 The dissolving parameters of tea leaf main ingredients in various water temperatures”。

4.44.影响水温的因素change water temperature factors

有没有温壶是”影响水温的因素 change water temperature factors “之一。

4.45.水温的判断determine water temperature

“水温的判断 determine water temperature “是学习泡茶的重要课题。

4.46.蒸气外冒的状况steam emitting condition

从”蒸气外冒的状况 steam emitting condition “可以判断水的温度。

4.47.茶汤倒出后茶叶的散热leaves cool down after pouring the liquid

前一泡的水温太高,使用”茶汤倒出后茶叶的散热” leaves cool down after pouring the liquid”是改善该泡水温的方法之一。

4.48.水温与茶汤质量water temperature and tea liquid quality

水温与茶汤质量 water temperature and tea liquid quality “是指不同的水温可以将同一种茶泡出不同质感的茶汤。

4.49.置茶量tea amount

4.50.蓬松的茶puffy form tea

4.51.紧结的茶tight form tea

4.52.密实的茶compact form tea

4.53.冲泡的次数number of brews

小壶茶的”置茶量tea amount”要看茶是属”蓬松的茶puffy form tea” ,还是”紧结的茶tight form tea” ,还是”密实的茶compact form tea” ,再依想”冲泡的次数number of brews”来决定置茶量。

4.54.紧压程度degree of compression

4.55.剥碎程度degree of flaked size

紧压茶的冲泡要注意茶的”压紧程度degree of compression”与”剥碎程度flaking size”。

4.56.多次性泡茶法multiple brew method

4.57.可泡茶次数possible number of brews

4.58.茶水比例 tea to water ratio

“多次性泡茶法”  multiple brew method  “的”可泡茶次数”   possible number of brews       “要依”置茶量”与”茶水比例 tea to water ratio “而定。

4.59.单次性泡茶法single brew method

4.60.水量cc数”1.5%的茶量g数”tea to water ratio is 1.5%g:cc ”

含叶茶法是”单次性泡茶法single brew method “,使用”水量cc数”1.5%的茶量g数” tea to water ratio is 1.5%g:cc”


4.62.半梗partially stemless

4.63.带梗with stems

泡茶时要注意茶的外形,包括「净梗」 stemless “、”半梗 partially stemless “与”带梗 with stems ” 等情形。


4.65.含块flakes with lumps

紧压茶在冲泡之前必先剥散,称为”解块 flaking ” ,这与揉捻时之解块不同意义 。冲泡时还得留意「含块」 flakes with lumps “的大小。


4.67.茶水可溶物water soluble substances of tea

茶叶”着延 spread “的轻重会影响”茶水可溶物 water soluble substances of tea “溶解的速度。

4.68.揉捻的轻重degree of rolling

4.69.叶胞被揉破的程度leaf crumble degree

4.70.叶底 brewed leaves

所谓”揉捻的轻重 degree of rolling “是指”叶胞被揉破的程度 leaf crumble degree “。这些从泡开后的”叶底 brewed leaves “可以清楚地看出。

4.71.茶青的嫩度fresh leaf tenderness degree

4.72.萎凋的轻重withering degree

4.73.外形紧结程度tea shape tightness

4.74.条索紧结程度tea leaf tightness

4.75.焙火的轻重roasting degree

4.76.昆虫叮咬情形的轻重insect bitten condition

4.77.枝叶连理的情形stem and stemless degree

4.78.茶形的大小tea leaf size

4.79.陈放的时间storing time

4.80.渥堆与否piling or non-piling

4.81.水可溶物含量的多寡water soluble substance quantity

4.82.浸泡时间infusion time

以上这些状况都是影响泡茶时”浸泡时间infusion time” 的因素。

4.83.松紧程度compress tightness degree

紧压茶的”松紧程度 compress tightness degree “有很大的差异。

4.84.经济型置茶量economical quantity style

4.85.优裕型置茶量abundant quantity style

只泡一次的茶叶用量有”经济型置茶量 economical quantity style “与”优裕型置茶量 abundant quantity style “之分。前者在饮用时可以让茶叶一直浸泡着,后者在适当浓度后必須将茶叶与茶汤分离。

4.86.可溶物释出速度solubility rate

4.87.可溶物释出率solubility proportion

泡茶水温会影响”可溶物释出速度solubility rate”与”可溶物释出率solubility proportion”。

4.88.基本浸泡时间minimum brewing time

小壶茶的第一泡有所谓之”基本浸泡时间minimum brewing time” ,少于这个时间,虽然茶汤浓度足够,但水中的成分不够完整。

4.89.间隔时间brew interval time(between brews)

前后两泡”间隔时间  brew interval time “的长短会影响所需浸泡时间。

4.90.向前读秒的计时器forward counting timer

4.91.倒数的定时器countdown timer backward timer”

控制茶叶浸泡时间可利用”向前读秒的计时器forward counting  timer” ,倒数的定时器 backward timer    “不实用。

4.92.倒干程度drain drying degree

泡茶时茶汤”倒干程度 drain drying degree “会影响当时与下一泡茶汤的浓度。

4.93.前一泡的浓度对下一泡茶的影响brewed tea strength influence on following brewing

连续冲泡数道茶汤,应理解”前一泡的浓淡对下一泡茶的影响 brewed tea strength influence on following brewing “。

4.94.茶鉴定tea tasting

4.95.茶欣赏tea appreciation

“茶鉴定tea tasting”与”茶欣赏tea appreciation”是一体的两面,相辅相成。

4.96.鉴定茶组tea tasting set

4.97.冲泡盅tea tasting brewing cup

4.98.评茶碗tea tasting bowl

4.99.审茶碟tea tasting saucer

茶之国际标准”鉴定茶组tea tasting set”包括:”冲泡盅tea tasting brewing cup”、”评茶碗tea tasting bowl”、”审茶碟tea tasting saucer”。

4.100.观汤色observe tea liquid color

4.101.闻热香smell hot aroma

4.102.尝滋味observe tea flavor

4.103.闻中香smell warm aroma

4.104.闻冷香smell cool aroma

4.105.审叶底observe brewed leaves

4.106.看外观observe appearance

茶之官能鉴定包括:”观汤色observe tea liquid color”、”闻热香smell hot aroma”、”评滋味observe tea flavor”、”闻中香smell warm aroma”、”闻冷香smell cool aroma”、”审叶底observe brewed leaves”与”看外观observe appearance”。

4.107.适当的浓度proper strength

4.108.冲泡总次数total brews of vessel

4.109. 第几次之冲泡 which brew of vessel

泡茶要泡出茶汤最”适当的浓度proper strength” ,包括”冲泡总次数” total brews of vessel”中的”第几次之冲泡which brew of vessel”

4.110.茶性tea character



泡茶要将该种茶的茶性tea character表现得最好。若降低水温可以减弱茶汤的”苦味bitterness” ,若减少浸泡的时间,可以降低”涩味astringency”。

4.113.太淡too light tasting

4.114.太浓too heavy tasting

泡茶时若可溶物释出太少,我们称这时的茶汤为”太淡too light tasting” ,若可溶物释出太多,我们称为”太浓too heavy tasting”。


4.116.给予口腔的打击程度mouth intenseness


我们说数道茶的”浓度strength”应力求一致,这浓度是指茶汤”给予口腔的打击程度mouth intenseness” ,不是说”质量quality”的好坏。


4.119.水可溶物的总和TDS – total dissolved solids

4.120.刺激性sharpness degree

茶汤的”稠度richness”是指”水可溶物的总和TDS – total dissolved solids” ,与表示强劲度的”刺激性sharpness degree”不同。

4.121.立体感stereo feeling

泡茶要将茶汤泡出适当的”稠度 richness ” ,而且要泡出”立体感 stereo feeling ” ,泡出”茶性tea character “。

4.122.汤量在数泡间之变化tea liquid volume changes per brew

同样冲泡器,每道汤量会逐渐减少的,泡茶时要留意”汤量在数泡间之变化 tea liquid volume changes per brew “。

4.123.茶汤温度与口感的关系tea liquid temperature and mouthfeel relationship

品茶时的汤温会影响口感,要注意”茶汤温度与口感的关系 tea liquid temperature and mouthfeel relationship “。

4.124.汤前香pre-brew scent

4.125.汤后香post brew scent

茶叶冲泡之前所显现的香气称为”汤前香pre-brew scent” ,冲泡之后在茶汤与叶底所显现的香气称为”汤后香post brew scent”

0.000.水可溶物”water soluble substances

4.126.依我们希望的比例与份量溶出expected proportion and quantities to dissolve

泡茶的要领除要求茶汤达到一定的浓度外,尚要求各种”水可溶物”  water soluble substances  “”依我们希望的比例与份量溶出 various water TDS expected proportions “。

4.127.水可溶物溶解速度的内在因素water TDS dissolved rate intrinsic factors

4.128.水可溶物溶解速度的外在因素water TDS dissolved rate extrinsic factors

泡茶应理解”水可溶物溶解速度的内在因素 water TDS dissolved rate intrinsic factors “与”水可溶物溶解速度的外在因素 water TDS dissolved rate extrinsic factors “。

4.129.最佳状况optimum condition

4.130.标准浓度standard strength

每道茶都要表现该茶当时的”最佳状况optimum condition” ,这种最佳状况也是我们追求的所谓”标准浓度standard strength”。

4.131.客观地欣赏茶的美appreciate tea objectively

4.132.表现你所要述说的意念与思想express your idea

4.133.陶冶心性cultivate ones character

品茗的意义在”客观地欣赏茶的美appreciate tea objectively” ,并借着泡茶、品饮的过程”表现你所要述说的意念与思想express your  idea”。泡茶、品饮、还可以”陶冶心性cultivate ones character”。

4.134.泡茶师箴言: Tea Master Maxim:


Improve Brewing is advancing the ability of the Tea Artist、 is the way to the Spirit of Tea、 is the enlightenment of the Tea World.

“泡茶师箴言Tea Master Maxim”对泡茶的重要性如此叙述:”泡好茶乃茶人体能之训练、茶道追求之途径、茶境感悟之本体也Improve Brewing is advancing the ability of the Tea Artist、 is the way to the Spirit of Tea、 is the enlightenment of the Tea world.”。

*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones



第三章-茶之分类与识别 Chapter Three Tea Classification and Recognition-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文”茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

第三章-茶之分类与识别 Chapter Three Tea Classification and Recognition


第三章-茶之分类与识别 Chapter Three Tea Classification and Recognition


3.1.市场之茶分类Marketing Tea Classification


市场之茶分类Marketing Tea Classification”乃依发酵fermentation”、揉捻rolling”、焙火roasting”、原料成熟度tea leaf maturity”等之不同而分。


分  类  名  称 

Classification Name

商 品 名 称 举 例 

Product Name Examples







Green Tea

including Yellow Tea”


3.2.针银绿茶Silver Needle Green Tea 3.3.绿茶银针Green Needle、3.4.君山银针Jun Mountain Silver Needle

Lightly Rubbed Green Tea

3.6.六安瓜片Liuan Leaf、3.7.安吉白茶Anji White Leaf、3.8.太平猴魁Taiping Monkey、3.9.霍山黄芽Huoshan Yellow Bud

Curled Green Tea

3.11.碧螺春Green Spiral、3.12.径山茶 Jing Mountain Tea、 

3.13.蟠毫 Coil Curly Hair、


Sword Shaped Green Tea

3.15.龙井Dragon Well、 

3.16.煎茶Green Blade (Sencha)、竹茗香 Zhuming Tea


Twisted Green Tea

3.18.雨花茶 Rain Flower Tea、3.19.玉露Jade Dew、3.20.香片Jasmine Tea、3.21.眉茶Brow Tea

Pearled Green Tea

3.23.珠茶Gunpowder、3.24.虾目 Shrimp Eye、3.25.绣球Silk Ball

Steamed Green Tea

玉露Jade Dew、煎茶Green Blade Sencha


Puerh Tea

3.27.存放普洱Store Tea 3.28.青沱Celadon Bowl Puerh、3.29.青饼 Celadon Cake Puerh
3.30.渥堆普洱Pile Puerh Tea 

(黑茶类) Dark Tea

3.31.宫廷普洱 Palace Puerh、3.32.七子饼Seven Stack Puerh、3.33.康砖 Kang Brick Tea、3.34..六堡茶 Liu Bao Tea



Oolong Tea

including White Tea and Celadon Tea


White Oolong

3.36.白毫银针White Tip Needle、3.37.白牡丹 White Peony、3.38.寿眉 Brow Tea

Twisted Oolong

3.40.清茶(包种茶)Light Oolong (Pouchong)、3.41.大红袍Robe Tea、3.42凤凰单丛Fenghuang Unique Bush

Pelleted Oolong

3.44.冻顶Dong Ding Oolong、3.45.铁观音Iron Goddess、 

3.46.佛手Finger Citron


Roasted Oolong

3.48.熟火铁观音Roast Iron Goddess、3.49.熟火岩茶Roast Rock Tea

White Tipped Oolong

白毫乌龙White Tip Oolong (3.51.东方美人Oriental Beauty)


Black Tea


Unshredded Black Tea

3.53.祁红Keemun Black、3.54.滇红Dian Black、3.55.正山小种Lapsang Souchong

Shredded Black Tea

3.57.红小袋茶Black Tea Flake



3.58.西湖龙井    Xihu Dragon Well

3.59.黄山毛峰Yellow Mountain Fuzz Tip


有些茶以原产地为名,如”西湖龙井Xihu Dragon Well”、”黄山毛峰Yellow Mountain Fuzz Tip”都是。


0.00.渥堆普洱Pile Puerh

0.00.黑茶Dark Tea

3.60.熟普Black Puerh

3.61.熟饼 Black Cake

0.00.存放普洱Store Puerh

3.62.生普 Green Puerh

3.63.青普 Celadon Puerh

3.64.生饼 Green Cake


“渥堆普洱Pile Puerh “属”黑茶Dark Tea”类,市面上有人称”熟普Black Puerh “或”熟饼Black Cake”;”存放普洱Store Puerh “不属黑茶,市面上有人称生普Green Puerh  “或”青普Celadon Puerh “或”生饼 Green Cake”。


0.00.大红袍Robe Tea

3.65.武夷岩茶Wuyi Rock


大红袍Robe Tea是武夷岩茶Wuyi Rock的一种。武夷Wuyi是中国福建省的一处山区地名。


0.00.条型红茶Unshredded Black Tea

0.00.碎形红茶Shredded Black Tea

3.66.工夫红茶Gongfu Black Tea


成品茶成条状的红茶称为条型红茶Unshredded Black Tea “,切成碎角状的称为碎型红茶 Shredded Black Tea “。条型红茶中制作精良的者可以特别称为工夫红茶Gongfu Black Tea”。


0.00.蒸青绿茶steam fixed green tea

3.67.烫青绿茶blanch fixed green tea

3.68.炒青绿茶stir fixed green tea

3.69.晒青绿茶sun fixed green tea

3.70.碾茶flake tea


绿茶因杀青方式不同可有”蒸青绿茶steam fixed green tea”、”烫青绿茶blanch fixed green tea”、”炒青绿茶stir fixed green tea”、”晒青绿茶sun fixed green tea”等种类。研磨成抹茶whisk tea “的碾茶flake tea”属”蒸青绿茶steam fixed green tea”。


3.71.茶水交融well mixed



茶道上使用的抹茶whisk tea”是在碗内和水搅击至”茶水交融well mixed” ,液面起”泡沫froth” 后饮用。


0.00.白毫乌龙White Tip Oolong

0.00.东方美人Oriental Beauty

3.73.着延茶Bitten Tea

3.74.膨风茶Boast Tea

3.75.三色茶Motley Tea

3.76.五色茶Motley Tea


白毫乌龙White Tip Oolong”又称为”东方美人Oriental Beauty”、”着延茶Bitten Tea”、”膨风茶Boast Tea”、”三色茶”或”五色茶Motley Tea”。


0.00.绿茶green tea



绿茶像一片”秧苗seedling” ,生命力很旺盛的样子。


0.00.清茶(包种茶) Light Oolong (Pouchong)



清茶像一片”草原grassland” ,活泼有朝气。


0.00.冻顶Dong Ding Oolong



冻顶像一片”森林forest” ,能扛重责大任。


0.00.铁观音茶Iron Goddess

3.80.崇山峻岭lofty mountains


“铁观音”像Iron Goddess””崇山峻岭lofty mountains” ,是阳刚茶的代表。


0.00.白毫乌龙White Tip Oolong

3.81.玫瑰花海sea of roses


“白毫乌龙White Tip Oolong”像一片”玫瑰花海sea of roses” ,是阴柔茶的代表。



0.00.普洱茶Puerh Tea

3.82.深山古刹deep mountain ancient temple


普洱茶Puerh Tea像出家的老和尚,喝普洱茶如走进了”深山古剎deep mountain ancient temple”。


3.83.大叶红茶large-leaf black tea

3.84.小叶红茶small-leaf black tea

3.85.烟熏红茶Smoke Black Tea (Lapsang Souchong)

3.86.阿萨姆红茶Assam Black Tea


用大叶种制成的红茶称为”大叶红茶large-leaf black tea” ,用小叶种制成的红茶称为”小叶红茶small-leaf black tea” ,用松枝等熏过的红茶称为”烟熏红茶smoked black tea” ,用阿萨姆品种制成的红茶就称为”阿萨姆红茶Assam Black Tea”。


3.87. 末茶 Tea Powder

3.88.抹茶Fine Powder Tea


粉状的茶称为末茶 Tea Powder”,其中特别讲究质量,且磨得特别细致,直接搅击以饮用者称为抹茶Fine Powder Tea。


3.89.泡沫茶foam tea bubble tea”

3.90.泡沫红茶Foam Black Tea


搅击泡妥之红茶茶汤,使起泡沫,增强口感之活性,称为”泡沫红茶Foam Black Tea”。


0.00.红茶Black Tea

3.91.秋天变红了的枫树林autumn maple forest


红茶有如一片”秋天变红了的枫树林autumn maple leaves” ,像慈祥的妈妈。


3.92.熏花茶Scented Tea

3.93.熏花绿茶Scented Green Tea

3.94.熏花普洱茶Scented Puerh Tea

3.95.熏花乌龙茶Scented Oolong Tea

3.96.熏花红茶Scented Black Tea


将茶加入花香就成”熏花茶Scented Tea”,以绿茶加熏花香就是”熏花绿茶Scented Green Tea”、以普洱茶加熏花香就是”熏花普洱Scented Puerh Tea”、以乌龙茶加熏花香就是”熏花乌龙茶Scented Oolong Tea”、以红茶加熏花香就是”熏花红茶Scented Black Tea”。


3.97.茉莉绿茶Jasmine Scented Green Tea

3.98.桂花乌龙茶Osmanthus Oolong

3.99.茉莉花茶Jasmine Tea

3.100.玫瑰绣球Rose Bulb Tea


熏花茶也可因所加入的花香名而称呼为”茉莉绿茶Jasmine Scented Green Tea”、”桂花乌龙茶Osmanthus Oolong”。如果只称”茉莉花茶Jasmine Tea”或”玫瑰绣球Rose Bulb Tea”,那就是以茉莉花或玫瑰花所熏制的绿茶。


3.101.调味茶Spiced Tea

3.102.调味绿茶Spiced Green Tea

3.103.调味普洱Spiced Puerh Tea

3.104.调味乌龙Spiced Oolong Tea

3.105.调味红茶Spiced Black Tea

3.106.人参乌龙茶Ginseng Oolong

3.107.肉桂茶Cassia Tea


调味茶Spiced Tea是以其他食物与茶掺和在一起的茶,各类茶都可以如此调制而称为调味绿茶Spiced Green Tea、调味普洱Spiced Puerh Tea、调味乌龙Spiced Oolong Tea、调味红茶Spiced Black Tea。如果以人参粉调制乌龙茶,则称为人参乌龙茶Ginseng Oolong,以肉桂粉调制的茶,则称为肉桂茶Cassia Tea。


*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones




第二章- 茶叶精制、加工、包装 Chapter Two-Tea Refining, Added Processing, and Packaging-蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai

中英文”茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology

蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著Editor

第二章- 茶叶精制、加工、包装  Chapter Two-Tea Refining, Added



Chapter Two-Tea Refining, Added Processing, and Packaging


2.2.稳定质量stabilize quality









茶叶的”精制  Refining “除了美化外形,还可”稳定质量stabilize quality”。包括”筛分screening”、”剪切cutting”、”拔梗de-stemming”、”整形shaping”、”风选winnowing”、”拼配blending”、”覆火re-drying”。


2.10.正茶primary tea product

2.11.副茶tea byproduct

2.12.茶枝tea stem

2.13.茶角tea fannings

2.14.茶末tea dust


茶厂还有”正茶primary tea product”、”副茶tea byproduct”的分类法。副茶还分成”茶枝tea stem”、”茶角tea fannings”与”茶末tea dust”。


2.15.枝叶连理stem and leaf joint

2.16.枝叶分离stem and leaf disjoint


有些成品茶讲求枝、叶不分离,泡开后一朵朵如原来长在树上一般,称为”枝叶连理stem and leaf joint” ;有些成品茶则要枝、叶分离,以利干燥,称为”枝叶分离stem and leaf disjoint”。芽茶类的茶,「枝叶连理」 stem and leaf joint “是常态。


2.17.叶基leaf base



叶茶类的茶之所以要将枝叶分离,是避免”叶基 leaf base “与”梗部 stem “连接的地方干燥不易。


2.19.枝叶分离点stem and leaf separation point


对枝叶分离的茶,我们还要进一步观察”枝叶分离点 stem and leaf separation point ” ,判断是否破坏了叶子的完整度。


2.20.加工Added Processing






茶的加工Added Processing   “包括焙火roasting、熏花scenting、调味spicing、陈放aging。



2.26.温暖warn influence

2.27.熟香ripe scent

2.28.寒性cool influence

3.29.熟火乌龙Roast Oolong


“焙火” roasting   “是以烘焙的方式将茶变得”温暖 warm “且具”熟香 ripe scent “。茶属”寒性cool”的食物,制作时焙点火可以使它变得”温暖warm”一些,如”熟火乌龙” Roast Oolong”。


2.30.炭焙charcoal roasting

2.31.机焙machine roasting


焙火因使用的方式分成”炭焙 charcoal roasting “与”机焙 machine roasting “。



2.33.陈香 aged scent

2.34.老茶old tea

2.35.陈茶stored tea


“陈放aging”良好的茶、茶汤呈现一种”陈香 aged scent “的风味。陈放五年八年后就是老茶 old tea “。至于”陈茶aged tea  “,只表明是旧茶,质量是提升还是下降就不得而知了。


2.36.茶干的光泽度 dry tea luster degree


陈放会影响”茶干的光泽度 dry tea luster degree ” ,陈放愈久光泽度愈差。



2.38.渥堆”发热generate heating

2.39.微生物的生长microbe growth



茶的”渥堆piling”会”发热generate heat” ,且带动”微生物的生长microbe growth” ,造成许多茶成分的”降解degradation”。


2.41.成品茶tea product


完成全部制造过程,品质达到一定稳定度的茶称为成品茶tea product。



2.43.七分茶三分花seven parts tea and three parts fragrance


“熏花scenting   “是将花香加到茶里,增进茶的风味。但还是要以茶为主,所谓”七分茶三分花seven parts tea and three parts flower”。



2.45.掺和blending blended”





调味spicing是将其他食物与茶”掺和blending”在一起以增进其风味。肉桂cinnamon与 菊花chrysanthemum 都是掺和blending blended”的材料,桂花osmanthus则兼具熏花与调味的功能。



2.50.回甘sweet aftertaste


茶汤喝下后,在口腔与喉头上遗留的香与味称为”喉韵aftertaste” ,也称为”回甘sweet aftertaste”。


2.51.紧压茶compressing tea

2.52.圆饼状round compress shape

2.53.方砖形square compress shape

2.54.碗状bowl compress shape

2.55.球状ball compress shape

2.56.柱状roll compress shape


紧压茶compressed tea”的形状有”圆饼状round compress shape”、”方砖形square compress shape”、”碗状bowl compress shape”、”球状ball compress shape”、”柱状roll compress shape”等。


4.57.饼状disk shape

4.58.碗状bowl shape

4.59.砖形brick shape

4.60.球形ball shape


紧压茶包括”饼状 disk shape “、”碗状 bowl shape “、”砖形 brick shape “、”球形 ball shape ” 等等。


2.61.清炒stir fry



没焙火的茶喝来有如”清炒stir fry”的菜,焙火的茶喝来有如”红烧stew”的菜。


2.63.厚重醇和rich mellow


渥堆让茶叶变得”厚重醇和rich mellow”。


2.64.小袋茶tea bag

2.65.碎形小袋茶shredded-tea bag

2.66.立体袋茶triangular tea bag

2.67.原片小袋茶whole-leaf tea bag


包装成”一人泡一次”的”过滤性”茶包,称为”小袋茶tea bag”。若包装的是碎形茶,称为碎形”小袋茶shredded-tea bag”。将小袋茶的外型设计成立体状,有利茶叶舒展,称”立体袋茶triangular tea bag”。小袋茶内装的是未经剪切的原型茶,称为”原片袋茶whole-leaf tea bag”。


2.68.茶tea leaf

2.69.茶汤tea liquid

2.70.饮料茶tea beverage


将茶tea leaf”浸泡成茶汤tea liquid”。用以直接饮用的茶称为饮料茶tea beverage”。



2.72.无杂味no odors


2.74.储存方法stored method


茶叶应储存storage”在”无杂味no orders”、”不透光opaque”、且干燥度良好的地方或容器内。茶叶在消费者手中的”储存方法stored method”决定了质量的稳定性与是否往优质的方向迈进。



2.76.真空包装vacuum packaging

2.77.充氮包装nitrogen packaging


为减少成品茶的质量变化,包装Packaging”时可以采取真空包装vacuum packaging”或充氮包装nitrogen packaging”的方式。


2.78.冷冻保存freezer storage


维持成品茶的原样,最有效的方法是”冷冻保存freezer storage”。


2.79.商品名称product name

2.80.茶名解说tea name description

2.81.茶性解说tea character description


包装上除”商品名称product name”外,应标示”茶名解说tea name description”与”茶性解说tea character description”。


2.82.老茶old tea


5.84.陈香aged scent

2.85.短期陈放short-term aging

2.86.中期陈放medium-term aging

2.87.长期陈放long-term aging


有人喜欢”老茶aged tea” ,茶性变得”醇和mild” ,而且带有一股”陈香aged scent”。存放一年者属”短期陈放short-term aging” ,三、五年者属”中期陈放medium-term aging” ,十年以上者称”长期陈放long-term aging”。


2.88.斗茶tea competition

2.89.茶商品比赛tea product competition

2.90.制茶比赛tea production competition


“斗茶tea competition”在中国宋代是一种泡茶比赛,现代的”茶比赛tea competition” 还包括”茶商品比赛tea product competition”与”制茶比赛tea production competition”。


*说明  : 将茶学专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。此书 于2005年初开始收编茶学术语,进行整理、修编、审定以及翻译工作,编著:蔡荣章,英文翻译:Steven R.Jones, 校勘:蔡晓晓,于201002出版发行。Editor:Rong-tsang Tsai , English Translator:Steven R.Jones
