茶道术语-The academic terms of the Way of Tea
蔡荣章-Rong-tsang Tsai编著Editor
说明:将茶道专用术语整理、翻译及审定,是当前在学校或国际间推动茶文化工作时很重要的茶学材料。我们只是逐步完成初学茶道者所应用的部分,尚需继续完备。本茶道术语翻译及审定工作始于2010.01月,一直持续进行中。英文翻译:Katherine Yip
1. 茶人
Tea Gurus
2. 茶师
Tea Masters
3. 茶文化工作者
Facilitators of Tea Culture
4. 茶文化护主
Patrons of Tea Culture
5. 茶艺师
Tea Art Masters
6. 泡茶师
Tea Brewing Masters
7. 制茶师
Master Tea Maker
8. 评茶师
Tea Appraisers
9. 茶商
Tea Merchants
10. 茶农
Tea Farmers
11. 茶友
Tea Drinkers
12. 茶者 、好茶之人
Tea Aficionados
13. 品茗家
Tea Connoisseurs
14. 茶专家
Tea Experts
15. 爱茶人
Tea Lovers
16. 大茶人
Great Tea Guru
17. 茶道师
Master of the Way of Tea
18. 茶道大师
Great Master of the Way of Tea
19. 喝茶
Tea Drinking
20. 赏茶
Tea Appreciation
21. 评茶
Tea Appraisal
22. 品茶
Tea Savouring
23. 泡好茶
brew a good pot
24. 茶汤
tea infusion、tea liquor
25. 茶道之美、茶道之境
the beauty and realm of the Way of Tea
26. 纯品茗的抽象之美
Pure Abstract Aestheticism in Tea Drinking
27. 纯茶道
the‘Pure’Way of Tea
28. 空寂之美
beauty in emptiness and solitude
29. 甘
mellow sweetness
30. 草庵茶席
‘thatched-hut tea ceremony setting’
31. 茶禅一味
‘oneness of Zen and Tea’
32. 精俭
conviction and simplicity, modesty and self-restraint
33. 空寂
emptiness and solitude
34. 清和
purity and harmony
35. 泡茶师箴言
Tea Brewing Masters’ Motto
36. 泡好茶是茶人体能之训练,茶道追求之途径,茶境感悟之本体。
Brewing a good pot is the physical training of a Tea Brewing Master, the pursuit of the Way of Tea, and the essence to experiencing the World of Tea.
37. 茶道
the Way of Tea
38. 道是方法.道是路.道是境界.道是目的.道是新生命的起点
The word‘Way’may refer to a method, a path, a state of being, a goal, and the starting point of a new life
39. 泡茶
tea brewing
40. 茶会
tea gatherings
41. 流派
42. 公告事项」
43. 七大精神
seven principles
44. 无尊卑之分
an absence of hierarchy
45. 无报偿之心
no action of reciprocity is expected
46. 无好恶之心
setting aside personal preferences
47. 求精进之心
it is about getting better each time
brewing a good pot
48. 遵守公共约定
everything goes as agreed
49. 培养默契,体现群体律动之美
appreciating mutual-understanding and the beauty of collective rhythm
50. 茶具观摩与联谊
Tea ware appreciation and Socialization
51. 无流派与地域之分
there is no restriction as to the school or regional practice in brewing
52. 盖碗
lidded cups
53. 叶形茶
tea leaves
54. 粉末茶
powdered tea
55. 茶席
Tea Presentation Setting
56. 插花
flower arrangement
57. 焚香
burning of incense
58. 挂画
hanging scrolls
59. 点茶
tea brewing
60. 四艺
four arts of living
Brewing a good pot
Tea Brewers