中英文”茶学术语”Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology
蔡荣章Rong-tsang Tsai 编著 Editor
(2010.02台北陆羽茶艺股份有限公司 ISBN978-957-9690-06-5)
第十二章 茶学综论-Chapter TwelveTea Studies Synthesis
一.茶道内涵图解Tea Lore Connotation Diagram
12.1.茶道内涵Tea Lore Connotation
12.2.第1圈:茶道载体 1st Circle:Tea Lore Medium
00.0.茶汤Tea Liquid
00.0.泡茶Tea Brewing
00.0.茶器Tea Utensils
12.4.奉茶Tea Serving
00.0.品饮Tea Savoring
12.5.茶食Tea Cuisine
12.7.第2圈:茶道平台 2nd Circle: Tea Lore Platform
12.8.茶法Brewing Methodology
12.9.茶会Tea Functions
12.10.第3圈:茶道内涵 3rd Circle :Tea Lore Connotation
12.11.美感Beauty Notion
12.12.艺术The Arts
12.15.第4圈:茶道特质 4th Circle :Tea Lore Characteristics
12.16.审美Beauty Appreciation
12.18.空寂Quiet and Desolate
12.19.精俭Simple and Exquisite
12.25.第5圈:茶道素养 5th Circle :Tea Lore Accomplishments
12.34.哲学、宗教 Philosophy, Religion
12.40.香道 Incense Lore
12.42.花道Flower Arrangement
12.43.识茶Tea Recognizing
12.44.制茶Tea Making
二.茶叶沖泡与茶汤内涵Tea Infusion and Tea Liquid Connotation Diagram
1st Circle: Tea liquid Color-Scent-Taste Connotation
00.00.茶 汤 Tea Liquid
12.46.色相 Hue
12.47.明度 Brightness
12.50.香型 Scent Type
12.51.强度 Strength Degree
12.52.持续度 Flavor Endurance
12.53.香性 Scent Character
00.00.茶性 Tea Character
12.54.调和度 Harmonious Degree
00.00.稠度 Richness
00.00.强度 Strength
12.55.第2圈:泡茶五要素5-Keys of Brewing
00.00.水温 Temperature
00.00.茶水比例Tea to Water Ratio
12.56.冲泡器Tea Brewing Vessel
12.57.水质 Water Quality
12.58.第3圈:影响茶叶浸泡时间的因素 Factors Affecting Tea Steeping Time
Water substances soluble speed(one of the Inner Factors)
00.00.茶叶完整度 Tea Leaf Integrity Degree
00.00.枝叶连理情形 Stem and Leaf Joint Condition
00.00.叶形大小 Leaf Shape Size
00.00.芽型或叶型Tip Type or Leaf Type
00.00.茶青成熟度Tea Harvest Maturity Degree
00.00.外形紧结度Tea Shape Tightness
00.00.条索紧结度Leaf Twist-Tightness
00.00.发酵程度Fermentation Degree
00.00.萎凋程度 Withering Degree
00.00.揉捻程度 Rolling Degree
00.00.焙火程度Roasting Degree
12.60.陈放年份 Storing Time
12.61.渥堆情形 Piling Condition
00.00.虫咬情形 Insect Bitten Condition
12.62.水可溶物多寡(内在因素 之二)
Water substances amount(another Inner Factors)
00.00.焙火程度Roasting Degree
00.00.发酵程度 Fermentation Degree
12.63.茶青质量Fresh Leaf Quality
12.64.外在因素Outer Factors
00.00.茶量 Tea Amount
12.65.水质 Water Quality
12.66.冲泡器材质Brew Vessel Material
00.00.倒干程度 Drain Drying Degree
00.00.每泡间隔时间 Every Brew Interim Time
12.67.前一泡的浓度Previous Brew Strength
三.茶法与茶会类型图解Tea Methodology and Tea Functions Diagram
00.00.第1圈:十大泡茶法1st Circle: The Ten Tea Methods
12.68.泡茶法Tea Brewing Methodology
00.00.小壶茶法Small Pot Tea Method
00.00.盖碗茶法Cover Bowl Tea Method
00.00.大桶茶法Large Capacity Tea Method
00.00.浓缩茶法Concentrated Tea Method
00.00.含叶茶法Nonstrained Tea Method
00.00.旅行茶法Travel Tea Method
00.00.抹茶法Whisking Tea Method
00.00.煮茶法Boiling Tea Method
00.00.冷泡茶法Cold Tea Method
00.00.泡沫茶法Foam Tea Method
2nd and 3rd Circle: Classified by the Tea Function Style, and Examples
12.70.茶会类型 Tea Function Type
12.71.茶席式 Tea Site Style
12.72.桌上茶席 Table Tea Site
12.73.席地茶席 Ground Tea Site
12.74.榻榻米茶席Tatami Tea Site
12.75.宴会式 Banquet Tea Style
12.76.茶席个别供茶式 Tea Site Supplying Tea Individually
12.77.统一供茶式 Supplying Tea Centralized
12.78.流觞式Floating Cup Style
12.79.曲水茶宴 Winding Creek Tea Gathering
12.80.环列式 Circle Tea Style
00.00.无我茶会Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony
12.81.礼仪式Etiquette Style
12.82.四序茶会Perennial Tea Ceremony
12.83.献茶礼Offer Tea Ritual
12.84.寺院茶礼 Temple Tea Ceremony
4th Circle: Classified by the Tea Function Purpose
12.86.为茶道 For Teaism
12.87.为庆祝 For Celebrating
12.88.为追思 For Remembrance
12.89.为游兴 For Leisure
12.90.为社交 For Socializing
12.91.为仪轨For Rites
四.无我茶会要义图解Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Connotation Diagram
12.92.第1圈:茶会队形 1st Circle: Tea Function Formation
12.93.围成圆圈泡茶gather to form a circle to brew tea
00.00.第2圈:特殊做法 2nd Circle: The special way
00.00.抽签决定座次Drawing Lots for Seating
00.00.茶具自备泡法不拘prepare tea ware and not confined to any brewing manner
00.00.单边奉茶same direction tea serving
00.00.茶叶自备种类不拘 Prepare tea leaf of any kind
00.00.品饮自己与别人的茶汤 Drink one’s own and others tea liquid
00.00.依公告事项行事无需指挥 Follow Public Announcement no need for
a director
00.00.泡茶席间不语Remain silent during brewing
00.00.第3圈:七大精神 3rd Circle: The Seven Principles
00.00.无尊卑之分No matter to social status
00.00.无流派与地域之分No distinction of school or region
00.00.无报偿之心No reward is expected
00.00.无好恶之心No bias
00.00.求精进之心Concentrate and improve
00.00.遵守公共约定Everyone follows the public announcement
00.00.体现群体律动之美Express group rhythm and harmony
12.94.第4圈:衍生意义 4th Circle: Derivative Significance
00.00.随遇而安Feel at ease under all circumstances
12.95.信任 Trust
00.00.无所为而为Actions without intentions
12.96.不排斥新事物Don’t rule out new things
12.98.清和 Pure and peace
00.00.培养默契cultivate tacit understanding
12.99.第5圈:积极作为 5th Circle: Positive Action
“Tea Site Setup”, “Participation Mood”use simple and exquisite principles
12.101.将选定的茶席与泡法做得是自己当时的最好Tea site and tea method once
selected do it best
12.102.有人围观时行〝对外奉茶〞If there are spectators have “spectator serving”
12.103.携带乐与大家分享的茶具与茶叶 Bring tea ware and tea that others
will enjoy
12.104.茶会名称不涉广告 Tea function name can not involve advertising
12.105.会后不交换茶具以为纪念 After tea function exchanging tea ware is
not expectable
12.106.不要因自己的表现令与会者感到不悦 Do not let participants become
displeased because of one’s behavior
12.107.理解无中生有、有无交替的意义 Comprehending ‘being’ comes
from ’emptiness’, and being and emptiness is circulation
五.茶文化与茶学图解Tea Culture and Tea Studies Diagram
六.茶文化与茶学图解Tea Culture and Tea Studies Diagram
12.108.茶文化 Tea Culture
12.109.茶學 Tea Studies
12.110.茶道Tea Lore
12.111.茶道載体Tea Lore Medium
12.112.茶道平台 Tea Platform
12.113.茶道內涵Tea Lore Connotation
12.114.茶道特質Tea Lore Characteristics
12.115.茶道素养Tea Lore Accomplishments
12.116.茶歷史Tea History
12.117.產業史Industrial History
12.118.生活史Life History
12.119.茶藝史Tea Arts History
12.120.思想史Ideology History
12.121.茶生活 Tea and Life
12.122.民生 Life
12.123.禮俗 Customs
12.124.醫藥 Medicine
12.125.茶推廣 Tea Promotion
12.126.語文 Languages
12.127.廣告 Advertising
12.128.宣傳 Publicity
12.130.茶產業Tea Industry
12.133.行銷 Marketing
12.134.政經 Politics
12.135.茶文化乃偏重内涵而言 Tea Culture emphasizes its connotation
12.136.茶学乃偏重课程而言Tea Studies emphasizes learning
七.茶学书库分类索引Tea Studies Library Classification and Index
首阶编码1st Order Code |
首阶分类1st Order Classification |
2阶编码与分类2nd Order Code and Classification |
注Remark |
B |
茶思想Tea Ideology |
B1. 茶思综述Tea Ideology Synthesis |
含文集Including collection of works |
B2. 茶哲Tea Philosophy |
含道德. 思维Including morality and thinking |
B3. 茶与宗教Religious studies |
B4. 茶美学Tea Aesthetics |
D |
茶政策Tea Policies |
D1. 茶政经军Tea Politics , Economy, and Military |
如茶马政策、榷茶法Such as tea-horse Policy, tea taxes |
D2. 茶法规Tea Laws and Regulations |
现今Presently |
F |
茶经济Tea Economics |
F1. 茶经济综述Tea Economics Synthesis |
F2. 茶行销Tea Marketing |
含通路Including sales route |
F3. 茶餐饮Tea Restaurant |
F4. 茶广告Tea Advertising |
F5. 茶包装Tea Packaging |
含茶叶茶具Including tea leaf and tea utensils |
G |
茶文化Tea Culture |
G1. 茶文化学Tea Culture Studies |
另有Z1.茶学综述And other “Z.1.Tea Studies Synthesis ” |
G2. 茶文化比较Tea Culture Comparison |
含品项、地域之比较.各国泡茶法归’L2.泡茶’Including kind and region comparison, Country’s Tea brewing methods belong to ‘L2.Tea Brewing’ |
G3. 文化茶集Tea Culture Collection of Works |
即茶文化类之文集Present tea culture classification and collected works |
G4. 文化茶址Region of Tea Culture |
G5. 茶教育Tea Studies Education |
含推广Including promotion |
H |
茶译文Tea Translation |
H1. 茶英译Tea English Translation |
仅茶术语之译,译著归其所属类别Only tea terminology translation, translated version belong s to their order |
H2. 茶日译Tea Japanese Translation |
H3. 他语茶译Other Language Tea Translation |
I |
茶文学Tea Literature |
I1.茶文综述Tea Literature Synthesis |
I2.茶诗Tea Poetry |
I3.其他茶文Other Tea Literature |
含非茶作品including tea related works |
J |
茶艺术Tea Arts |
J1.茶美术Tea and Fine Arts |
含音乐、陶艺including music, and ceramics |
J2.品茗Tea Savoring |
含识茶、饮食、相关作物Including tea recognition, food and beverage, and related foods |
J3.品茗环境Tea Ambience |
J4.茶花石等Floral Arrangement and Stone Appreciation |
插花、石艺、挂物floral arranging, stone appreciation, hanging Art |
J5.香道Incense Lore |
K |
茶史地Tea History and Geographical Characteristics |
K1.茶史茶事Tea History and Matters |
含单位志including organization history |
K2.茶产地Tea Growing Region |
K3.茶书茶人Tea Books and Tea Man |
K4.茶俗Tea Customs |
K5.茶史期刊Tea History Periodicals |
L |
泡茶法Tea Brewing Method |
L1.泡茶综述Tea Brewing Synthesis |
L2.泡茶Tea Brewing |
含水including water |
L3.茶调饮Tea Beverage |
含咖啡等非茶类including coffee and non-teas |
M |
茶会Tea Function |
M1.茶会综述Tea Function Synthesis |
M2.茶会Tea Ceremony |
O |
茶化学Tea Chemistry |
O1. 茶化学Tea Chemistry |
R |
茶保健Tea and Health |
R1.茶健综述Tea Health Synthesis |
R2.茶保健Tea Health Care |
含民俗药方including folk prescriptions |
R3.茶医药Tea Medicine |
R4.茶保健期刊Tea Health Periodicals |
S |
茶农业Tea Agriculture |
S1.茶作综述Tea Production Synthesis |
S2.茶品种Tea Varieties |
S3.茶耕作Tea Cultivation |
含土壤肥料、病虫害,相关作物Including soil fertilizer, plant diseases and insect pests, and related crops |
S4.茶园机械Tea Plantation Machinery |
S5茶园永续Tea Plantation Sustainable Agriculture |
如有机茶(含加工)、生态保育,such as organic tea(including added processing), and ecology, |
S6.茶叶期刊Tea Periodicals |
以茶作、茶造为主者primarily for tea growing and making, |
T |
茶工业Tea Industry |
T1.茶造综述Tea Making Synthesis |
与‘茶作’ 同述时归’S1.茶作综述’.if including tea growing, belongs to ‘S1.tea production synthesis’ |
T2.茶初加工Tea Primary Processing |
含广义茶饮including non-teas |
T3.茶厂机械Tea Factory Machinery |
T4.茶审检Tea Inspection |
含审评、检验、标准including tasting, inspecting, and Standardizing |
T5.茶深加工Tea Advance Added Processing |
含茶多元应用including tea multiple application |
W |
茶器Tea Utensils |
W1.茶具、饰物Tea Utensils Decorative Items |
含赏including admirations |
W2.茶陶等制作Tea Pottery Manufacturing |
含史including history |
W3.茶器期刊Tea Utensils Periodicals |
Y |
茶食Tea Foods |
Y1.茶食综述Tea Foods Synthesis |
Y2.茶点心Tea Snacks |
Y3.茶肴Tea Cuisine |
Y4.茶食期刊Tea Foods Periodicals |
Z |
茶综合Including Review |
Z1.茶学综述Tea Studies Synthesis |
仅局部综述者、归入所属类别.含茶百科 part of synthesis will belong to their orders. Including tea wikipedia |
Z2.茶学文集Tea Studies Collection of Works |
Z3.茶词典Tea Dictionaries |
含综合与专题Including general and special subjects |
Z4. 茶综合期刊Tea Comprehensive Periodicals |